My lovely conversation with Blaire

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I follow Leo and Ashton over to a river in the middle of the woods. Right in front of the river is Chiron. I blink my eyes and rub them to make sure I'm seeing things right. Then I notice it isn't Chiron in person, it's him in hologram form.

"Woah" I exclaim, saying the first thing that pops into my head. Chiron nods and smiles reassuringly at me. "Good morning Ms.Ross. I would usually be sorry for waking up one of my campers so early but seeing as you ran away without permission, I'm not that sorry". 

I awkwardly laugh at his words as I rub my neck "Haha, yeah sorry about that" He shakes his head and continues "No need to apologize to me, there is someone else you will have to apologize to later but for now tell me what has happend". I then tell him everything from having the dream up to waking up this morning but I leave out the part about Ashton's past. Something tells me he doesn't want to talk about it to anyone.

After I finish I watch Chiron as he slowly shakes his head back and forth. "This is bad, this is very bad. They're going to start another war". He looks up at us "Where is the helmet right now?" Ashton turns around to show him my backpack that he has now taken over with the helmet. Chiron leans in and in a low voice talks "Now I need you three to listen very carefully. You need to keep the helmet and the other charms in your possesion. Many of the god's minions will come after the objects to get them back, like the hellhound but you must keep it away from them.

"If one of the Big Three's get their weapon back before the other 2, they may have the power to take over Olympus, and possibly the mortal world. You must find all 3 of the items and somehow deliver them to the gods at the same time in less than 3 weeks. If you don't do it by then.." Chiron's face grows pale as he leaves the unfinished sentence hanging in the air.

"Sure, easy peasy just one little problem" I say holding my fingers barely apart. "One of them lives down here" I motion towards the ground "And the other two live up there" I say motioning towards the sky. "How are we supposed to deliver the items at the same time?" 

Chiron shakes his head "I dont-" "WHERE IS SHE!" Chiron is interrupted by a loud angry voice. Chiron sighs and turns to me "Now is when you start apologizing" 

Chiron turns around and walks away as I see a figure walking up the hill. I could immedeatly tell it was Blaire because of her golden hair but if it wasn't for her hair I wouldn't have noticed her. She had the scariest look on her face that said she was about to break something.


When she stops yelling I take that as a que to explain "I left without telling you because I didn't want to hurt-" "Oh spare me the bullshit" she snaps as her attention turns to Ashton and she scowls "So you brought the rat along but not me?" I could feel the hurt in her words but I didn't try to explain. I know that's one of the things she hates. Someone trying to make up an excuse for something they did. "I'm sorry" I say in a whisper, tears threatening to come out.

Her face softens "Yeah, well if you get killed before I can get to you first I will never forgive you" She says as her lips turn up into a smile. I smile and laugh "Agreed" she laughs "Now come over here and virtually hug me" She exclaims with her arms open.

I walk over and try to wrap my arms around the mist. It doesn't work well but I can still feel Blaire's pressence in my heart and it makes me feel warmer.

"Where is he?" A different voice exclaims only this one is much sweeter than Blaire's. I break away from Blaire to see Violet coming over. For some reason her pressence makes me annoyed. I turn over to look at Ashton and see his face lit up with excitement and something else. It's called attraction honey my inner conscience states bitterly.

Ashton walks closer to the mist towards Violet. She smiles, making her face impossibly even more beautiful "Thank god you're alive" she sighs in relief. Ashton smiles shyly and exclaims "yeah, lucky me" Wait a second. Is Ashton actually, flirting. The idea makes me want to throw up my lunch from yesterday.

She giggles playfully and then they just stare at each other for a while. I cough, getting uncomfortable from all the googly eye staring and look at Leo pleading silently for him to come up with an idea to get me away from there. He ruffles his hair awkwardly and states "Well, I'm going to get Festus ready to take off. I think we should head back to a town to restock on supplies.

I nod my head gratefull and turn towards Ashton to see him talking to Violet. "Well, we got to go find the trident now" Violet's face twists into a confsed look. "Wait you already found the helmet?" "Yeah" he replies sheepishly. Her shocked expression stays for a few seconds until it turns into another smile. "Well good luck, don't get killed" she says to us, well, mainly to Ashton.

He blushes and says "I'll try not to". They both laugh as the mist starts to fade away. I start walking towards Festus as I hear them say goodbye and step up onto Festus. I feel Ashton slide in behind me and we take off.

After a few minutes of silence I turn around and talk so low that Leo can't here me "I thought you said you can't trust anyone" He looks at me deep in thought staying silent for a little before he answers "I know but she's just so.. amazing and beautiful and-" "okay, okay I get it " I interrupt before he can tell me anything else that's so amazing about Violet.

"Wait" he looks at me with an amused smile "Are you jealous?". I scoff "Of what? Your little girlfriend Violet? No, I just think your priorities are mixed up. Your first priority should be the quest" I snap at him and quickly turn towards the front.

A couple seconds later I feel his hot breath on my neck "If it makes you feel better she's not my girlfriend yet" when he says the word yet I clench my teeth in frustration. I turn around and simply reply "That doesn't change anything" and turn back around. Then, instead of laying back on Ashton like I normally do to sleep I lean forward on Leo. 

The last thing I hear before I fall into a deep sleep is Ashton's sigh and his whispered words "You're a real piece of work aren't you Paige?".

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