My experience with Kelli

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"Chelsea, Tie them up" The snappy empousa says to the whiny one.

The empousa holding me roughly pulls me up and drags me over to the center of the room while Chelsea brings a struggling Leo over as well. She ties us back to back on a post that is holding up the roof from the center of the room.

I look over and notice that they haven't caught Ashton yet. That thought gives me a little hope as the one who told Chelsea what to do spoke up.

"I knew you demigods were dumb I just didn't think you were dumb enough to try and mess with the powerful empousa Kelli" Wow she was a little self centered. I rolled my eyes at her and her face turns into a scowl and then an evil smirk.

"What should we do with these two pathetic demigods. I know! We should hold them over a hot pot full of boiling water ooh! or kill them slowly and then drink all of their blood!" As she kept making suggestions the other two's smiles kept getting bigger while my face kept getting paler.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ashton slowly stand up from the corner of the room but the other 3 empousa were too busy planning our death to notice him.

I decided to distract them for him. "Who are you holding the helmet for" I ask hoping to get their attention. Kelli turns her head towards me and laughs in my face. "Do you really think we would tell you that? You must be dumber than I thought" at that the three of them burst into laughter that would make anyone cringe.

"You said the boss will come when it is safe. What is that supposed to mean?" I ask pushing further trying to get an explanation, desperate for a distraction. Kelli sighs "Well since I'm going to kill you anyway I might as well tell you. The boss knows that there is a prophecy and that some demigods are going on a quest to look for the charms. She is waiting until the demigods are dead to come out and take the charms from the hiding spots and raise an army to overthrow the gods of olympus!" She exclaims the last part an a loud excited voice.

Part of the explanation makes my ears perk up "Wait, did you say she?" I ask hoping to get a clue of who the 'boss' is and I can tell Kelli wasn't supposed to say that when her face pales. The other 2 become dead silent.

"What of course not now let me kill you in peace" Kelli beginning to turn around to get something from behind her, probably a sword when out of the corner of my eye I see Ashton sliding down a post in the far right corner of the post.

"You don't scare me!" I say loudly, making a desperate attempt to keep Kelli from turning fully around. Her head whips back around as she glares at me with anger in her eyes. "What. did. you. just. say?" she growls stepping closer towards me.

I continue "I mean, how am I supposed to be scared of you when I have already seen a minotaur and the harmful kindly ones" I say using the name Annabeth used for the birds that attacked me and Leo on the way to camp. "No offense but compared to them your just not scary" I finish. Ashton has made it to the floor and is quietly running toards the box for cover.

They all 3 snarl at me "I'll show you how scary I can be" Kelli growls at me as I feel a warmth on my wrists. I remember Leo telling me one time that he had fire powers and immedeatly know he is burning the rope that is holding us to the post. Great I think to myself Now I have to distract for two people.

Suddenly I remember Kelli and turn my full attention to the three empousa in time to see their hair erupt in huge flames as their tongues stick out. Their tongues looked like a snake's. It took all of my energy but I kept a straight face as I watched them, making sure fear didn't creep onto my face. "Nope not scary" I reply in a bored tone.

At this time Ashton is sliding his sword through the lid of the box to open it. The lid soundlessly pops open as I keep my attention on the 3 empousa. Kelli snarls at me and speaks "I don't need to convince you that I'm scary with my body, I can just do this" in a flash of movement Kelli takes out a long spear and slices my forearm.

I cry out in pain as I lean forward as much as I can with the tight bonds. Leo hasn't burned through the whole thing yet and it's a good thing that Kelli can't see him. I start to see black at the corners of my eyes but blink it away.

Ashton has looked up and is looking at me concerned. I very slightly shake my head to tell him to not worry about me and to focus on the box. He nods and reaches his hands into the box as he pulls out the helmet as Kelli stands cross armed smirking at me.

"I told you I can be scary" Kelli says smirking smugly at me. I stupidly snap back "You call that a slice? That was pathetic". By now Ashton has put the helmet into my bookbag that he somehow has How did he get that I ask myself but shake it off as I glance back at Kelli to see her eyes flaming with anger.

"Fine, you want pain, I'll show you pain" She lifts the spear up ready to slice it through me but before she can do it Ashton takes out his sword and slices through the third empousa's head causing a huge noise making Kelli and Chelsea turn around.

At that time the ropes finally fall off as I lunge towards Kelli and Leo lunges towards Chelsea. I slam her into the ground as a look of shock crosses her face. She then smirks and easily throws me off of her. I quickly stand up and we start to fight, Kelli with her spear and me with my dagger. I look over to see both Ashton and Leo fighting Chelsea but even with their experience they seemed to be growing tired fast.

I soon start to become exhausted but Kelli is relentless. She keeps coming at me with new blows and she starts making contact with my body more. I know that if we keep fighting they will soon overpower us.

I turn towards the other fight with Chelsea to see Ashto ooking at me. "Run towards the box" I yell already leaping into action dodging Kelli's swing and running towards the box. Ashton does the same grabbing Leo by the shirt to get his attention. We make it to the box quickly with Kelli and Chelsea hot on our heels.

I grab each one with an arm as we all jump on the bow and I start flying towards the top. The pain in my right forearm is excrutiating but I keep flying up.

Once we get to the second floor I turn to Leo. "Quick, give me a stick of dynamite and light it" He quickly complies as he takes out a stick off dynamite and lights it with his finger I quickly take it and throw it to the other side of the second floor balcony. I quickly grab Ashton and Leo and shove them up the roof door.

We scramble up the roof as I grab each one with an arm and run towards the edge of the roof screaming "get off the roof!" and we go flying in the air. Just as we are twenty feet away from the building it erupts in flames.

The explosion pushes us forward and we go flying to the ground. Luckily we are not far from the ground so it isn't a big fall. I grab Ashton as we hit the ground feet first and go flying back. I land on top of him and we both groan in pain. I look up and am surprised by how close we are. I quickly push off of him and mumble sorry.

We all stand up and watch as gold dust erupts with the flames from the building. That settles it. They are definitely dead. "We should get going" Ashton says breaking the silence. We all nod and start jogging away from the flaming building.

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