The Final Chapter

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As the others left I was suddenly crashed with a wave of realization. I was actually going to talk to my dad that left me 14 years ago. As if he could sense my hesitation, Ashton sticks out his hand and intertwines his and mine. The feeling of warmth spreads through my body as I happily grabbed his back.

Zeus stares at our intertwined hands for a while before breaking his gaze to the 3 of us. "Well, seeing as you three were the main people in the quest that saved our items, I realize that a few gifts should be given out" Zeus explains as I hold in a laugh. Like a present would make me forget the horrors I had to go through. Zeus notices but doesn't say anything.

A man with a scruffy beard and dirty work clothes stands up and I immedeatly recognized him as Hepheastus. He walkes over to the center and his smile grows wide "My son, step forward". Leo awkwardly steps forward.

Hepheastus holds out a wrench towards him and explains it "This is my wrench. It will fix anything as long as it is in the right hands. You have done great and were incredibly brave and I know you out of all of my children know that nothing can't be fixed" Leo takes the wrench proudly and smiles at his father "Thank you father" he simply says and steps back in line with us.

After Hepheastus sits back down a man covered with tatooes stands up dressed in full armour with a spear at his side. I recognize him as Ares and hear Ashton intake a sharp breath. I squeeze his hand as he immedeaty steps forward with his head bowed. "hello father".

Ares lets out a loud, booming laugh "stand up boy! You don't have to bow to me right now! You're the hero here! I've never seen one of my kids fight so bravely! The way you fought against those monsters? Amazing! Now let me give you your reward!" he holds out something that looks a lot like a handheld mrror. Ashton hesitantly takes it.

"It is has a motivator charm on it" Ares explains "Whenever you feel like your about to give up you just look into it and see the most valuable thing in your life on it. It helps warriors fight harder" he explains as Ashton looks into it and I see that it is a photo of me laughing on the night on the roof at something he just said and then I watch it change to when I was fighting the birds that tried to attack Leo on the first day at camp.

Ashton blushes and shoves his new mirror into his belt and bows again at his father "Thank you father" he says as Ares claps a hand down on his shoulder with a smile covering his face. Ashton steps back into line and smiles shyly at me. I smile back and step up as Zeus walks up to me.

"For you Paige" he booms into the echoing room "I will grant you one wish. You can choose anything" he explains and winks "including immortality". I roll my eyes at that. As if I would want immortality. I think about it for a long time and then choose my wish.

"I wish to have Blaire back" I state clearly. Zeus sighs and shakes his head "unfortunately that is out of my power" I turn towards Hades but just see him shake his head "she would just be sad and gloomy all of the time. She would be happier in Elysium knowing you've moved on" I sigh, knowing he's right.

I think for a while longer and remember a promise I promised earlier "I wish for William to be able to live at Camp Half-Blood" I state as Posidon's head tilts in confusion. "The shirtless dude?" I nod and speak up "He is not a demigod but he must be some sort of special. He could see the monsters unlike other mortals and told me he had a feeling Blaire would die" I explain, choking up yet again on Blaire's name.

"Yeah" Ashton states putting a hand on my shoulder "and if it wasn't for him I would have died of loss of blood from that battle wound. He saved me" I couldn't believe Ashton was standing up for him but I was happy that he was.

Zeus nods and agrees "I can do that" he says "good job demigods". "One more thing" I state looking at Zeus "This isn't something magical or anything. I just want a talk... with you" I say as he sighs and looks around "everyone please step out for a moment so I can talk to my daughter".

They all quickily leave and soon I am left with my father. He sighs and speaks up "Look I know your probably mad at-" "What was she like?" I ask interrupting him facing him. "What was my mother like when you met her?".

He looks off into the distance as he speaks up "the thing that attracted me to her first was her defiance to everything. She would always try to do the opposite of what I asked just to bug me. It was endearing to me at that time.

"She was also very beautiful. She looked a lot like you and she was also incredibly cunning. It was almost impossible to keep up with her and her quickily moving mind. We would fight all of the time but at that time it was just powerful fights that ended with us not being able to leave each other for a couple days. She made me feel alive and free. I immedeatly fell in love with her.

"By the time she was pregnant the fighting started to get old. We would just keep going in circles and the fights got worse and worse. Soon they grew tiring and it lost its' touch that I once lived for. By the time you were born it was time for us to move on but your mother didn't agree. She screamed louder than ever when I told her I had to leave forever. She screamed louder and cried harder than I ever saw before and it made me realize what I had done. I had destroyed an amazing women by allowing her to fall for me.

"She was too exciting for me" Zeus let out a laugh "Can you believe it? She was more exxciting than the sky god. I have regretted the way I let her fall for me every day" he finishes in a sad tone. We sit in silence for a while before I speak up "You could have at least given me a sign instead of letting me wander around for 14 years not knowing who my dad was".

"I couldn't Paige, I couldn't break the oath" I look away again stubbornly as he watches me "You know why I frowned when I saw you and Ashton together? You may not know it but I have been keeping an eye on you during your quest. I saw how intense you two were. You would be fighting one minute and passionately loving each other the next minute. You reminded me so much of me and your mother".

"We are nothing like you and mother" I snap crossing my arms and looking away while he studied me. "I have noticed throughout my years that for every hero there is a fatal flaw to go with it" Zeus speaks up "I think I've realized yours. You would risk anything to prove a point. You would risk even your own life if you thought it was worth it".

I shrug "So" I ask defensively as he laughs "You also have that spark of defiance in your eyes just like your mother. Do me a favor and never lose it. I don't expect you to be happy with me, just don't shut out everyone because of my mistakes" I curtly nod at him.

He turns form into a normal sized man and hold out his arms "can I get a single hug?" I stare at his open arms for a while before holding out my hand "We'll work up to that" I say as he gladly takes my hand and shakes it. At that I give him a smile and turn to walk out of the doors.

No one is in the hallway so I just go to the elevator and step in to make my way to the ground. During the time I think about the prophocy. Three demigods will seek out on a quest with many harms yep, me, Leo, and Ashton set out on the quest and we had many harms. In order to find the Big Three's charms We successfully got the Big Three's weapons back to them.2 halfbloods shall stand together, sister and brother Me and Jason defeated Violet together. And one demigod shall sacrifice their life for another I choke up on that. Blaire sacrificed herself like the prophecy said. For their search they must walk with the mortals to no safe ends we had to go places with many mortals plenty of times. And a child with the mark of the sky god's shall turn on their friends Violet betrayed us and the camp.

After I finish my review of the prophocy the door dings and the doors open. I walk out of them and out of the building to find Ashton, Leo, Jason, Percy, Annabeth, and Will outside together. Will runs up to me and throws his arms around me "Thank you so much, I now have a real home" he whispers happily into my ear. I hug him tightly and whisper in his ear "I will always be part of your family".

Once he pulls away I hug everyone else until I get to Ashton. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck "Well, we got out of that alive" I laugh and answer "We did". He leans down and gives me a long passionate kiss before pulling away.

"Come on" he states holding out his hand for me to take "Lets go home".

Authors Note- Epilogue coming out as well. Thank you for reading my story. I am so grateful to you for enjoying it! Thank you so so so much!

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