Lets take a trip to Disneyworld!

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After about 1 hour of talking and cuddling Ashton and I get up and head towards our room. We quickily get everyone up and tell them to head to the living room. Blaire wasn't very happy about waking up early but she did.

Violet walks over to Ashton. "Good morning" she says while she reaches out for him to pull him into a hug but he awkwardly steps away. She gives him a hurt look while Ashton looks everywhere but her.I smile slightly to myself, glad that Ashton wasn't leading her on anymore. We decided earlier to not tell anyone about us. It would just make things awkward for everyone.

"So why did we have to get up at 7? And this better be a good reason" Leo says with a yawn. I tell them about my dream and the little girl. Once I finish Percy stands up with a happy look on his face "Well what are we waiting for? Lets go!"

Since me and Jason can't carry 3 people acroos more than 200 miles we all try to squeze in on festus. I am near the middle with Blaire in front of me and Ashton behind me. Ashton squeazes my hand as we take off. 

The whole way there me and Blaire sing every rap song we know, even the ones we only partially know. "God will you two shut the hell up!" Leo says after a few hours. I didn't blame him. We were awful singers "Gosh, it's no wonder you two aren't Apollo's shild".

I open my mouth to argue "Hey wer'e not that-" "Guys look!" Annabeth shouts pointing ahead. I turn my head and see the Disneyworld sign. "Finally" Leo sighs. 

We land a few hundred yards away from the ticket booth. "How do we get in?" I ask.Leo speaks up "Leave that to me" he reaches into his toolbelt and pulls out 8 disneyworld cards "Sweet" I praise taking one with donald the duck on it.

We walk over to the ticket booth and give the guard our tickets. Thankfully they all go through as real. We all sigh in relief and start heading towards Cinderella's castle. We get there after a few minutes of walking and look up at it in amazement."It can't possibly be this easy" Ashton says in disbelief. I shrug and prepare to fly up.

I give a little jump like I usually do to get up in the air to fly but as I jump I fall back down to the ground. "What?" I exclaim confused and try again and it still doesn't work. "M-my powers" I stutter scared as I try to shoot a lightning bolt. Nothing happens. Not even a spark.

I turn towards Jason and see him try to fly up as well but it just looks like him jumping repeatedly. Percy also tries to create a wave of water from the water fountain but it doesn't work. Neither does Leo when he tries to summon fireballs. 

We look up helpless at the bolt which was sparking with energy. "How are we supposed to get it?"Ashton asks no one in particular. We shrug and I suddenly remember the voice from by dream saying it is going to be harder than it looks.

"We will just have to go to the tallest part of it and climb up it" I say and a plan starts forming in my mind "You guys distract the guards while I sneak by and go to the top floor. I'll then just clmb up it and grab it".

"That sounds kind of dangerous" Ashton says nervously. I smile at his nervousness and speak "I'll be fine, besides, I've done dangerous before. He smiles at me and leans in to give me a quick kiss.I forget about the others not knowing about us and kiss him back. When we break apart I turn to see shocked faces. Violet looks like she is about to cry and I suddenly feel bad for her.

Jason breaks the silence "We'll talk about this later" he says in a strict tone and marches up to the castle. I sigh in defeat and follow him. 

We all get inside to find that it is extremely crowded. There are a lot of guards but we immedeatly go into action. Each person takes a guard and starts to distract them (Leo pretends he doesn't know english and asks the guard questions in spanish making me laugh).

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