We crash a classy party

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After around 5 minutes we finally arrived at the Smithsonian. On the top staircase was a thick velvet rope with a man with a clipboard behind it. The man was probably in his early twenties. He was a red head and his face was covered in acne. The closer we got the more noticable his nerves were.

We reach the top of the staircase and I smile sweetly at him and continue walking, hoping he doesn't say anything.

"Wait! Miss!" I sigh and turn back around with a smile planted on my face "Yes?" he fidgets nervously and finally says "Name please". I scoff in pretend annoyance "You'd think Mr. Smithsonian would have our name already checked off but no" I laugh gently. "Well these are my brothers and I am Anna" I say hoping with a name as popular as Anna someone will be on the list with that name.

"I don't think-" The boy trails off leaning his clipboard down, making it able for me to see the clipboard. "Ah! There it is!" I exclaim pointing to three names that have the same last name "Of course they put my first name dianna instead of my middle name, the one I go by" I explain in a huff "Ah! And there are my brothers Rick and David" I say pointing to their names.

"The boy looks up at me "You're full name is Dianna Anna Vanna?" He asks questionably, looking down at our last name which is Vanna. I smile sweetly "My parents always did like Dr.Suess".

He shrugs "Well then" he clicks open the rope "Have a great time babe" he says to me winking at me. It takes all I have not to vomit as I pass by him and walk into the main hall.

Okay, I have never been to the Smithsonian before but I think they definitely decked out the main lobby. It was full of dim lights and bars on the side and it even had a food table covering a whole side of the lobby. Everyone here had either a glass in their hand or were dancing to the classical music.

I saw many girls and they all looked like dolls. Every one of the was groomed to perfection and was in a dress that made them look like they weren't breathing.

All these girls are here to talk to William? Dang I thought to myself in amazement as I turn around to face Ashton and Leo, Leo is observing the room while Ashton is scowling towards the door we just walked in.

"Okay so what's the plan?" I ask them. Leo responds "well, I need Paige to somehow find out where the new hall with the trident is so I can figure out how to get there and to help I have a video camra necklace that lets me see everything you can see and also hear" he explains holding out a plain necklace with a red ruby in the center, matching my dress.

"Sweet" I say putting the necklace on while Leo continues "I need you guys to split up on opposite sides of the room to find out where the new hall is" we all nod in agreement. "Good luck" we tell each other as we break apart.

I head over to the food table to eat something first. I hadn't eaten since yesterday and I was starving. I immediately stuff my face in fancy bread in a bowl. It is so good.

"Wow, you must be hungry" I turn around to see William standing there. His hair is gelled back like in my dream and he has a sharp black suit on. He definitely looked like his role of "the rich man's son".

I quickly swallow and speak "sorry". He holds his hands up "Don't apologize I haven't seen a girl eat at all yet tonight, it's comforting" I smile at him.

"Would you like to dance" he asks nervously holding his hand out. I think it through before I answer. If I dance with him I can talk to him more and maybe get some information out of him.

I smile at him "But of course" I say in my best british accent. He laughs at me "That was a really bad impression of a british accent" "eh" I say shrugging it off.

We get to the dancefloor as a new classical song comes on. I immediately notice everyone staring at us and a lot of the girls my age giving me dirty looks and whispering to each other. I grow red in the face. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

"Just ignore them" William whispers in my ear as he puts his left arm around my waist and his right arm in my hand and we sway to the beat in silence.

"So" he says after a while "What is your name?" . "Paige" I say before I can stop myself. I basically just gave him my true identity. Shaking it off I ask "You?" "William" he answers. I nod and smile at him.

"So, who forced you to come?" William asks me "Uh, my dad but he isn't here right now" He nods "My dad also forced me to come to this ridiculous party". "Yours too?" I ask, faking shock. He smiles down at me "I guess we all have daddy issues". "You can say that again" I mumble under my breath.

Soon, the music stops and we walk off of the dance floor. I decide to try to convince him to take me to the hall. "So what is this party even for?" I ask him pretending to be clueless.

William rolls his eyes "It's for a dumb new wing in the museum called the greek mythology hall" I turn to him and fake enthusiasm "Oh my gosh I love greek mythology! Especially Athena and Poseidon!".

He looks at me with a smile "Yeah? Well, do you want to go check it out for a sneak peek?" I frown and look down "Well, I don't want to be a bother" I say with fake concern. He waves it off "Trust me you won't". I look up at him and smile and say "Okay"

William takes my hand and leads me out of the main hall to the right. We walk through the museum with a lot of twists and turns. I hope Leo can understand the path we are taking from my necklace.

We finally get to a wing that looks deserted "Where are the guards?" I ask. William explains "They're guarding the outside of the museum and the elevators" he says as I walk slowly down the hall, observing the different things in the mythology wing.

I have to hand it to his dad, this wing looked really cool. It had a statue of a hydra that looked extremely accurate and a lot of other mythological creatures. I stopped at a huge glass rectangular box with a greenish blue trident in it.

I couldn't help it, I gaped. It seemed to be illuminating with power and it had a special effect on it that made chills go down my spine. "Woah" I gaped as William walked over to me "Isn't it amazing? They found it off the coast of North Carolina a few weeks ago. The archeologists that found it sold it to my dad for a ton of money. It's kind of like the main attraction for this hall".

"So how do they clean it?' I ask, trying to get posible informaton on how to get it out of the box. He starts explaining "Well they have to disactivate the alarm system first and then they have to take out these special screws. After they take the screws off, the front part of the wooden stand comes right off and then they can get it out.

I nod my head knowing Leo will love this information. "We should head back" William says, breaking the silence. I nod "thanks for showing me the new hall". He smiles back at me "No problem" and we walk back.

We get to the main hall and I lead him away from the door to the buffet table so Leo can slip by without him seeing. Ashton walks our way after he looks up at Leo and then turns to me. I nod to him and he nods back. He then turns towards William and shoots him a stony glare with a scowl. Luckily, William didn't notice.

As Ashton makes his way towards us I take a deep breath. Phase 2 of the plan is a go.

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