Betrayal was not on my agenda

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"There you are! I've been looking all over for you" Ashton says once he gets close enough to me and William to speak at an average volume. I force a smile as he walks over. Our plan now is simple. We just have to distract William until Leo comes back with the trident.

William looks over at Ashton and his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion "Who are you?" Ashton replies "I am Paige's friend Ashton" he says, resting his arm on my shoulder. Well, there is no point in having fake names anymore I guess.

William looks at me in surprise and then back at him "Well, it's a pleasure to meet one of Paige's friends" he says while sticking out a hand. Ashton looks down at the hand and then looks back up at him and smiles through clenched teeth. "Thanks".

William slowly and awkwardly puts his unshaken hand down. I nudge Ashton in the side for being rude but if he felt it he sure didn't show so on his face. "Well" I say breaking the tension "who wants to dance" I ask them.

William steps forward "I would be-" "Hey! You! You want to dance with Sir William don't you?" Ashton interrupts asking a girl with red curls that passes by us. She looks up at William and giggles and nods.

"Oh, okay then" William says taking the girl's hand and leading her out onto the dancefloor. Ashton does a mocking bow and holds out his hand "Ma lady" I roll my eyes at him and take his hand. We walk out onto the dancefloor and start swaying to the beat.

"Tell me, are you trying to be an ass to William tonight or is that coming natrually to you?" I ask snarkly. He laughs a humourless laugh "You can't be serious right now can you? That snob is drooling all over you and you're flirting with him! In case you haven't noticed we're on a quest right now and this quest doesn't include you becoming a rich boy's girlfriend. You're priorities are all mixed up" he exclaims, using the words I told him on Festus when he said I was jealous against me.

I scowl at him "Since when have you been such a-" but before I can finish William and the red head dance to beside where we are "Mind a little switch in partners for a second?" he asks us but is only looking at me for my answer.

I say "not at all" while Ashton says "Yeah, I do mind" but William ignores Ashton, lets go of the red head and grabs me by the waist while I put my arms around his neck. I turn to my side to see a disappointed red head and a furious Ashton dancing.

"I think your friend has a little crush on you" William says aloud to me while looking at Ashton. I laugh loudly "Ashton? Have a crush on me? Please! He's just a really over protective friend" I explain to William. He smiles at me "Well I can see why he would if he does" he says making me blush.

"Please, I'm just like every other girl" I try to explain but William interrupts me "But that's the thing! You're not like every other girl. Your smarter, funnier, cleverer, prettier, happier and dare I say you've got something special in you. I've only just met you tonight and I can tell all of these things about you" he exclaims getting louder and louder.

I blush and look down as he continues "And you just-" he pauses putting a warm soft hand on my cheek "you just radiate strength and courage and you make me want to be strong and couragous too". I stare into his eyes and before I know it, his lips are pressed onto mine.

I freeze not knowing what to do with my eyes open. Everyone in the whole room is looking at us and there are loud gasps. I'm just about to push him off when I see Leo creeping out of the hall that he went in to find the trident. He has a small structure of what looks like a trident in his hand. If I pull away someone is bound to look over and see him with the trident. All of this stuff registers in my mind in 2 quick seconds.

So I do the one thing I can to keep everybody's attention. I kiss him back.

I close my eyes and press my lips farther into William's. His lips are warm and soft and if I wasn't in such a panicked state and if I hadn't only known him for 2 hours I would have enjoyed it.

We finally break away not by one of us pulling away, but by someone lunging at William. I open my eyes to see Ashton gripping William by his white shirt and pulling him up to Ashton's height who was a few inches taller .

"Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Of. Her!" Ashton says through gritted teeth "Or I swear I'll-" He doesn't get to finish the threat before I pull him off of William. He struggles against me but I put my mouth to his ear "Don't draw more attention than I already have. Leo got the trident so we need to find him and leave now" I whisper into his ear as his body becomes more calm.

He shrugs me off "fine" he says while shooting William a murderous glare. I turn towards the crowd of people surrounding us "Well, we're sorry we can't stay but we really must be going now" I explain to the crowd as Leo walks over to us, the trident probably in his pocket. We start to walk fast when we hear a loud voice "THIEVES!" We turn around to see Mr. Smithsonian pointing at us "STOP THEM!".

William turns towards me with a hurt expression on his face "Thieves?" he asks, looking at me confused. I open my mouth to explain but am stopped by a bullet barely breezing by me. "PAIGE GET DOWN!" Ashton shouts as he tackles me to the floor.

We quickly get up after another bullet is shot at where I just was a millisecond ago, and start running towards the open door which is right behind where William has been standing. As I run past him he grabs my hand. "Wait what is-" I turn around to see a gun aimed at William.

"WILLIAM!" I shout pushing him to the floor as the bullet barely misses him. I drag him to the cover of the buffet table which is 5 feet away and place him behind there "What's going on Paige?" He asks me with a look of utter betrayal in his eyes.

Tears start trickling down my face. I may not have liked William in a crush way but he was a nice boy and I felt awful about betraying him.

"William listen, I did not mean for you to get hurt because of me at all and I'm so sorry that you did. I just want you to know that I do think of you as a friend and you don't have to think of me as a friend, hell I don't expect you to after tonight but I just want to say that I truly am sorry about the turn of events".

I quickly say before standing up and running towards the exit where Ashton and Leo are crouch running before William could say anything else. I grab them both and start sprinting and yelling "RUN FOOLS!" as we race out the door. Just as we open the door, a bullet slices through Ashton's side.

He cries in pain as he begins to fall "NO!" I scream catching him before he does. It is now raining outside so the rain is smearing the blood all over so I can't see where he got hit. "LEO DO SOMETHING!" just as I yell that Festus flies over to the bottom stairs of the Smithsonian as Leo and I both grab Ashton and start running towards the friendly dragon.

Leo hops on first and then reaches out for my hand. I grab it and pull Ashton into my regular spot as I sit behind him. I examine Ashton's side while Leo puts the now mini version trident in his belt. I lift up Ashton's shirt to see that it only grazed his skin so the bullet isn't stuck in him. "Thank god" I whisper.

I push Aston back so he is laying down and his head is resting on my stomach like how I used to sleep on him. "P-Paige" Ashton murmurs as I softly shush him and whisper to him with tears in my eyes "It's okay. We're all going to be okay".

Okay so I know this didn't have any monsters or mythology stuff in this chapter but I thought I would write it to make it more dramatic and suspesful. Don't worry there is still more monsters and drama to come ; )

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