The Prophecy

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Chiron leads me, Jason, Blaire, Leo, Percy, and Annabeth to the main house. As we go inside I see there is a ping pong table surrounded by chairs inside. "We usually have meetings in here" Percy whispers in my ear, noticing me staring at the table. I nod as I take a seat. Chiron sits at the head of the table while the rest of us just sit at a seat around the table. Me, being the impatiant person I am, blurt out "What the heck is this prophecy people keep talking about?" I ask Chiron.

He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "You were'nt supposed to know about it, nether of you" he says looking at me and Blaire. "Yeah, well we do so get over it" Blaire snaps back, leaving Chiron shocked. I don't blame him. Blaire usually never talks back to an adult. I've seen it only once and it was pretty scary.

He lets out an exaggerated sigh and stands up. He reaches behind him and pulls out a scroll. He hands it to Annabeth who is beside him and she starts to unscroll it. "What is that?" I ask. "The prophecy" Annabeth answers. Leo reaches over and stops her arm. "Are you sure we should show them?" he asks. I give him my scariest glare "back off Valdez" I growl at him. He puts his hands up in surrender.

Percy takes it from Annabeth and looks over at Chiron who just nods his head, signalling for him to read it. He clears his throat at begins to read it.

3 demigods will seek out on a quest with many harms

In order to find the Big Three's charms

2 half-bloods shall stand together, sister and brother

And one demigod shall sacrifice their life for another

For their search they must walk with the mortals to no safe ends

And a child with the mark of the sky god's weapon shall turn on their friends

My face pales at the last line. I begin to panic inside of my mind. "Wait, what are the Big Three's charms?" Blaire asks as if that's the important question. "It's the weapons Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades used to defeat the titans, you know like in the greek myths. Zeus's lightning bolt, Poseidon's trident, and Hades's helmet of darkness." Jason explains. I remember reading about that in some myths. "Wait so they have been stolen?" I ask, terrified of the answer. Chiron answers in a sad voice "Yes, I'm afraid they have been stolen for a couple of days now but we haven't had the prophecy for that long ". "What about the rest of the prophecy? What about the quest, the 2 siblings, the sacrifice, the mortal world, the mark of Zeus's lightning bolt?" I ask feeling my throat close when I ask about Zeus's mark, luckily nobody noticed. "We have no idea" Leo answers truthfully.

"Wait a minute. What does this have to do with me and Paige?" Blaire asks. They all share a look and for a few moments there is silence. Finally Chiron speaks up. "We got this prophecy exactly when you two arrived here." I look at Blaire as we share a terrified look. I finally break down. "I-I need t-to go get s-some air" I stutter as I run out of the house.

I keep running as fast as I can until I get to the cave from the game of capture the flag where Blaire and I hid. I climb to the top of it and sit down and take deep breaths, millions of questions swimming my head. "I thought I'd find you here." a voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn around and see Leo smiling at me. I can't help but smile back at him as he sits down next to me.

"Just needed some air" I tell him watching the people on the ground. "And what's wrong with the air on the ground?" he asks, his breath a little shaky. "wait, are you scared of heights?" I ask with an amused smile. "Psch of course not" he says and then looks at me "I'm terrified" I laugh at his confession. He smiles and then turns to me. "Why did you look freaked out when the prophecy talked about the mark of Zeus's bolt?" he asks.

I purse my lips and sit in silence for a few minutes. "Can you keep a secret?" I ask. He immedeatly answers. I sigh and lift up my shirt so he can see my hip. Placed right in the middle of my right hip is my scar shaped like a lightning bolt.

He stares at it with a shocked look on his face. "When did you-" he stops his question and reaches out to touch it. His touch sends a warm sense of trust through my body."Since I was born I had this mark" I answer. He looks up at me with an expression I can't read. "Please tell me you believe me when I say that I don't want to nor do I plan to betray you or anyone else here. This is the only place where I feel wanted and cared about" I say as tears stream down my face. He reaches out to my face to wipe my tears. "I believe you" he says so soft I almost didn't hear him. I let out a sigh of relief as I pull him into a hug. He immedeatly hugs back. "You will always be wanted to me" he whispers in my ear making me smile.

That's what I loved about Leo. He wasn't just serious all the time or playful all the time. He was both and he makes me feel wanted. Of course, I don't have a crush on him. He is my best friend (besides Blaire) and I know he only thinks of me as his best friend too and I was perfectly happy with that.

I notice something that catches my eye as I pull away from Leo. He follows my gaze to what I'm looking at. It's Ashton walking towards the woods alone. Even though we are 50 feet up I can tell its him by the jet black hair and the way he quietly walks close to the cave. "What is he doing?" Leo asks the same question I am thinking. Suddenly I remember the line in the prophecy about a demigod betraying the camp and their friends and become very suspicious of him.

"Come on" I say to Leo as I stand up. "where are we going?" he asks. I keep my eyes trained on Ashton as I answer him. "We are going to follow Ashton and see where he is going".

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