Capture the Flag

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I follow Leo down to the campfire where everyone is heading. He says bye to me and goes and sits with a group of kids covered in oil and grime tinkering with machines in their hands. They all sat down in what lookes like groups. They would have a banner with a symbol on it attatched to a pole and a certain group of people would sit there. If I had to guess I would say they were in groups with other people with the same god parent. Seeing as I don't have a godly parent "deem me worthy to be their child" yet I just stand there like an idiot looking around.

I finally see Blaire sitting up front with the Percy Jackson kid and a curly blonde haired girl. The girl and Percy are holding hands so I assume they are dating. She looks like a good match for Percy. Blaire motions her hands for me to come and sit with them so I do. "Hey Paige" Percy greets. "This is my girlfriend Annabeth". The girl smiles at me and says "so you are the girl who saved Leo's sorry butt from the kindly ones". I don't know what the kindly ones are so I just nod my head.

Suddenly a boy with light blonde hair comes over and sits between me and Percy. "Hey dude, sorry I'm late. Piper and I were on a date and I lost track of time". Percy just smiles and rolls his eyes. The boy suddenly notices me and Blaire and waves at us and says "Hi, I'm Jason grace". We wave back and say hi. "So since you guys are sitting up here with us, do you not know who your godly parent is either?" Blaire asks them. Jason smiles and says "no, were just too good for the rules" but I know he is joking since he is smiling.

"So who are your godly parents" I ask. Annabeth starts and says "Mine is Athena, goddess of wisdom". That makes since since she seems really wise. Percy then states "Poseidon, god of the seas". That explains why he smells like saltwater. Jason lastly states "Zeus, god of the sky" . I didn't see that one coming. I wouldn't think that Zeus would have a kid. "That's cool" I say to him because frankly, I don't know what else to say.

Thankfully, Chiron walks up the stage and starts speaking which breaks our awkward silence. "Good evening campers! Are we ready for our nightly program of capture the flag?" Everyone bursts out in cheers. "Everyone remembers the rules right?" everyone nods but Chiron still explains the rules anyway. "No hiding the flag outside of camp, no stuffing the flag in someones pants, and no killing each other. We don't need a repeat of what happend last time." My face turns white when he says that. "don't worry, it only happend once" Jason assures me, as if that will make me feel better.

"Does anyone not have a team?" Chiron asks. Me and Blaire awkwardly raise our hands. Everyone turns our way and I feel embarrased. "They can be on our team" Annabeth calls out to Chiron and hands us 2 helmets with blue fur on the top. "Now that that is settled go get suited up and get in your positions, the games will start soon" Chiron shouts. Everyone cheers and starts going in different directions. Blaire and I start following Jason,Percy, and Annabeth to a side of the woods. Once we get there we are given armour to put on and let me tell you, it is not light.

"Alright guys we need a plan" Annabeth states. "We need half of the people on defense and half on offense" she explains. Everybody nods their head. She starts splitting us up into 2 groups. Blaire and I's group are on defense. Once we are ready we get into position. Blaire and I walk over to a cave like structure and hide in there for when the people come.

All of the sudden the bell rings and the games begin. I can hear shouting from a distance. After around 5 minutes me and Blaire start to get bored. I suddenly have an idea. "Come on" I tell her as I start to climb the cave. "Are you crazy!" Blaire whisper shouts at me though I'm pretty sure she knows the answer to that. "If we get to higher ground we may be able to see the red flag in the woods" I explain. She sighs but followes me anyway.

After a few minutes we finally reach the top of the cave which is about 100 feet in the air. I've never been afraid of heights so I didn't mind. I look around and finally see a small piece of red material sticking out of the water in the creek. It was on the far side of the woods and remembering Annabeth's plan, they weren't looking for the flag over there because they never hid it there. We quickly climb down. When we get to the ground I take off my armor because it is way too heavy and start running in that direction. We don't run into anyone on the way there.

We finally get to the creek. I am about to jump in and start swimming towards the flag when Blaire pulls me back. "Do you honestly think they would make it this easy?" she asks. She has a point. All of the sudden 2 figures drop to the ground. "Clever girls aren't you?" one of the figures says. He doesn't have a helmet on so I can see him clearly. He has dark black shaggy hair and startling grey eyes. The other one was big and stocky but the one that spoke was lean and muscular. "I'm Ashton" he explains cruellfully. "This is my brother and we are children of Ares. You know what that means?" he asks as he takes slow steps forward "You're both stupid?" I guess with a smirk on my face. I really didn't know when to shut up.

His eyes glare at me as he snarls and says "No , it means we always win" he explains as he whips out his sword and lunges towards me. My reflexes kick in and I dodge that swing but I'm not quick enough to dodge the second. I land flat on my face. Blaire wasn't doing much better with her fight as she fell beside me. I quickly stand up before Ashton can hit me again. I pull out my knife and angirly swipe the knife across his face. He roars and staggers back a little bit clutching his face and then looks back at me with pure hatrid in his eyes.

I lunge at him again but he is ready this time. He slashes at me in my side as I cry out in agony and then he swipes at my feet so I fall yet again on my face. Blaire was again on the ground with a huge red stain on her side. The sight infuriated me as I tried to stand up but Ashton puts a foot on my back to keep me down. "Some fighters you two are" he mocks as he digs his heeldeeper in my new wound on my side. I cry out in pain but he just laughes. I notice Blaire slowly crawling towards the creek. What the heck is she doing! I thought to myself. By now we have an audience. At least half of each team surrounds the creek watching the battle but they all stayed back. I guess it was a rule or something to let someone finish their own fight and not get involved.

"Paige!" I hear Leo shout as he tries to run towards us but Jason and Percy hold him back. "They have to finish their own fight" Percy tells Leo as Leo looks at me helpless. This got me mad but I could tell Ashton was enjoying this. "Yes princess, you have to finish your own fight". As he says princess I get even more mad. "Though this isn't much of a fight" he continues "I mean, if I was your godly parent I would be embarrased by how pathetic you look right now. You're probably just a scrawny child of Demeter. You have no strength in your entire body! You are weak! No wonder your parent doesn't want to claim you! They probably wish you were never born!" at that he roars in laughter.

That did it. No one calls me weak and gets away with it and the fact that he brought up my dad probably wishing I was never born threw me over the edge. "" I scream and as I scream a lightning bolt comes out of the sky and hits him. He flies back 15 feet. I stand up with new energy and run over to him. I hold out my hands and he goes flying in the air screaming. I slam him back on the ground and run over to him. He is pleading me to stop now. He stays on the ground with his hands up in surrender.

I look over at Blaire and am surprised by what I see. She also looks infuriated with the other boy and is shooting water at him from the creek beside her. Her red stain is also gone. Weird I think to myself as I kick Ashton one last time. The other boy is on the ground too. We look at each other and smile. Then, together we walk into the creek and walk towards the flag. Before we grab it I turn to look at the awestruck audience and ask "anyone else want to call us pathetic?" There is a moment of petrified silence after the question. Blaire and I then grab the flag and rip it off the pole.

"YEAH!" Leo is the first to break the silence as the rest of the blue team cheers in triumph and continuously cheer "WE WON!". Blaire and I hug each other as Chiron walks down to where we are. We haven't noticed yet but everyone went silent and are staring awestruck at the top of our heads.

Jason looks me in the eyes and whispers "impossible" . "What?" I ask looking above me. I notice a shiny symbol above it but I can't make it out. Blaire has a symbol above her head but hers is diferent. All of the sudden everyone gets on their knees and bows their heads. Before I could ask what was going on Chiron shouts "Heil Blaire Williams, daughter of Poseidon, God of the seas and Paige Ross, daughter of Zeus, god of the skies!"

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