Our trio turns into a... Wait what do you call 8 people?

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I wait with my eyes closed to hear the whoosh and feel the pain of being cut in half but before it can come I hear a familiar voice "Hey Peabrains!". The cyclopses turn around as I look up hopefully. There is only one person that voice can come from. Blaire.

I open my eyes just in time to see Jason fly up and shoot a lightning bolt at Cyclopse 1 and see Percy run full speed towards cyclopse 2 with a huge wave behind him. He stops and shoots his hands towards the cyclopse and the water goes over his head shooting straight towards the monster.

Both of the cyclopses are now on the ground, one having body spasms and one coughing up water.

Suddenly, Annabeth and Blaire apear out of the forest, Annabeth with a dagger and Blaire with an axe. They both choose a cyclopse and start hacking at it. I am surprised to see Blaire dodging all of the cyclopses hits and repeatedly bringing her axe into it.

She has improved incredibly. Annabeth must have been giving her lessons because she was almost as good as Annabeth. Finally, Blaire takes a final whack and the cyclopse starts seeping gold dust at the same time Annabeth brings her dagger fully into her cyclopse and watches it explode in dust.

A few seconds later all there was was gold dust covering the ground. Leo, Ashton, and I look up at them in amazement. A silence settles upon us until Jason breaks it with a smile and a shout "There's my little sister!".

I immedeatly break into a grin and sprint over to him. He pulls me in a warm hug and we stay like that for a few seconds.I finally break apart from him and smile at him and then turn to Blaire.

I start running over to her and she does the same only with a frown instead of a smile. Once she gets close enough she smaks me hard on the shoulder "I told you I didn't want to see you alive again or I'd have to kill you!".

I just continue smiling at her as she frowns at me. She finally sighs "Oh screw it" she pulls me into a tight embrace as I do the same. We stay like that for minutes, sobbing silently in each others hair "I missed you" I told her. She sniffle laughs "Yeah, well how could you not" she replies making me smile bigger at her Blaireish answer.

We finally pull away and smile at each other with tears in our eyes. By now everyone was exchanging hugs and (in Ashton's case) smiling awkwardly at one another. I turn towards Percy and Annabeth and they immediatly come over and hug me.

"Haha, sorry for kind of taking your quest" I say sheepishly to Jason, Annabeth, and Percy. Jason waves it off "It was never our quest to begin with" he says with a smile.

I smile at them "so I guess it's the 7 of us now" Percy sucks in with closed teeth "actually, the 8 of us" he says and I see Annabeth roll her eyes in annoyance with her arms crossed. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion "what do you mean the 8 of-" "oh my gosh are you okay Ashton?" I hear yet another familiar voice.

Violet appears from the trees and runs immediatly towards Ashton. He quickily opens his arms as she flies into them and spins her around. I look away feeling embarrasment in my cheeks for some reason.

"Violet, gods I missed you" Ashton says looking into her eyes. She giggles. Now I feel a pain in my chest. So much for not being boyfriend and girlfriend.

Blaire leans towards me and whispers "If it makes you feel better, we didn't invite her. She insisted to come to see Ashton and we couldn't shake her off". I shake my shoulders "Doesn't matter to me" I say in a flat tone.

After Ashton and Violet's hug they came over to our little circle, hands intertwined. "So what's the plan" Violet asks, not seeing Blaire shoot her evil eyes. I nudge her to stop her. "Well" Jason starts "Chiron gave us a lot of money so I think we should get a hotel room and plan our next move. We only have 4 days left".

At that my eyes buldge out of my head "4 DAYS!" I had no idea we took so long. Jason shrugs sheepishly "Sometimes the mortal world confuses demigods since we have faster days at Camp half-blood" he explains. "Well at least we have the trident and the helmet" Leo says. Percy's face turns relieved "Thank god, now all we need to find is the lightning bolt".

"Wait, didn't the prophecy say only 3 demigods can be on this quest?" Violet interrupts. Blaire opens her mouth to probably say something snarky but I smack her in the stomach before she can "I think we've gone far enough in the quest with 3 to be safe" Jason says with a tight smile. At least I'm not the only one annoyed with Violet being there.

"Okay, Annabeth find a hotel and we can head there on Festus" Leo says. "Wait, not everyone can fit on Festus" Violet says. She actually has a good point.

Ashton speaks up "It's okay. You, me, and Leo can ride on Festus and Jason and Paige can get the others with their flying stuff" I feel like I've been hit in the stomach. Ashton literally replaced me in the group with Violet.

Blaire notices this and gets mad "Who made you leader? Paige should fly with you guys on Festus since she was originally with your team. We manged getting here alone, we can manage gettting to a hotel a few miles away" she snaps leaving Ashton shocked and Annabeth, Percy and Jason amused.

Ashton opens his mouth to argue but I've heard enough of him "It's okay Blaire. Violet can ride with Aston and Leo. We never really were a team anyway" I say bitterly, using all of the venom I can in my words and it does it's intended purpose. Ashton looks away with anger on his face. "Let's go" he says to Violet and leads her to Festus.

Leo looks up at me sympathetically and starts walking towards Festus. Blaire fake coughs loudly and says "jackass" loud enough for Ashton to hear but he doesn't look back.

Jason and I quickily decide our formation for flying. Blaire is on my back and Annabeth is on his and we are both holding Percy by one of his hands. We take off and head towards the city.

Apparently we had flown all the way from Washington D.C to somewhere in Virginia. We find a hotel pretty easily and land a few blocks away from the hotel. Festus lets Leo, Violet, and Ashton climb off before he flies away.

We start walking and wince as I feel a shot of pain run up my back and stop to rub it. Jason walks closer to me, and to my surprise, Ashton also walks over to me concerned.

"You sprained something in your back flying. You're not used to flying yet" Jason explains. Blaire mumbles "Wouldn't have happend if she rode Festus". Ashton shoots her a glare and turns towards me and holds out his hand for me.

I quickily take Jason's hand instead of Ashton's and he understands. "Let me carry you" He says, making me grateful he was carrying me and not Ashton. I don't really know what happend with me and Ashton but he is now suddenly my least favorite person like before at camp. 

Ashton shoots me a pained expression but I shake it off. It's his fault anyway. We quickily check into the hotel. When Jason said Chiron gave them money he wasn't kidding. We were able to afford the penthouse.

We quickily get to our room and I am shocked by the space. We had 4 huge bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen connected to the living room. 

We quickily assign roomates and go to our rooms. It is me and Blaire, Percy and Jason, Ashton and Leo, and Annabeth and Violet. As me and Blaire finish changing into new clean clothes we hear Leo's voice shout through the room "Meeting in 5 minutes, I repeat meeting in 5 minutes! That means get your ass off your bed and head to the living room!".

Me and Blaire look at each other and smiles. Blaire says happily "Well, lets finish this quest and get back to camp! I'm craving some brownies!"

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