My new half brother

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At first I didn't think I heard Chiron correctly. "Daughter of who?" I stutter not believing my ears. Chiron turns to me and explains "you are the daughter of Zeus" . I wait for him to tell me it is a joke but he never does. I hear a few people whisper the word prophecy including Annabeth which leaves me more confused but I put that in the back of my mind as I stand there shocked. I look over at Jason who is now my supposedly half brother but he just stares at me in amazement. I guess he wasn't expecting it either.

I look over at Blaire but she is just staring blankly ahead. Probably shocked I think. I don't blame her. Percy breaks the uncomfortable silence that has settled on the campers by clearing his throat. He walks over to Blaire and sticks out his hand "let me show you to your new cabin". She stares at his hand  for a good 10 seconds and then takes it. As they walk away Jason comes up to me. "I guess I should show you to your new cabin also" he says. Thankfully, he doesn't hold out his hand. I'm not sure how I feel about him right now.

I follow him as the crowed clears a path for us. I catch Leo's gaze and he gives me a sympathetic smile and a half hearted wave. I return his gesture and follow Jason out of the woods. We walk side by side as he keeps glancing at me. After a while I get annoyed with him looking at me. "What!" I snap. He flinches slightly. "Nothing. I just didn't know that I had another sister". I turn towards him confused. "Another?" I ask. He nods. Yeah, Thalia but she decided to be a hunter of Artemis instead a long time ago" he explains leaving me with more questions but I am too tired to ask.

We finally reach the cabin. As we go inside I notice that it doesn't have anything that made it seem cozy. I walk to a made up bed with an open empty chest in front of it. "I didn't have anything when I came to camp either" Jason says, interrupting my thoughts as I turn to him. He is looking at the chest. "It's kind of useless but it was Aphrodite's cabin's idea for all of the cabins". I nod my head agreeing with him about it being useless.

We stand in an awkward silence for a while before Jason breaks it. "Oh, I almost forgot" he turns around and pulls out a shirt from his chest by his bed, it is orange and on it was written "Camp Half-Blood" across it with a centaur on the front of it. Along with it were some black nike shorts. I give him a half-smile and reach for the items. I then walk over to the bathrooms to change.

After I put on the clean clothes I walk back to the room and head towards my bed. Jason is on his bed examining a wierd coin. My curiosity takes over me. "What's that?" I ask while I drop my dirty clothes into my chest. "Just a gift from dad" he explains making me grimace. Dad didn't leave me anything. Jason notices and tries to apologize. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think-" "It's fine" I interrupt him, shaking it off. I knew my dad didn't care about me. I climb into bed as Jason turns out the light. I lay down but my eyes refuse to close. "Paige?" Jason asks into the darkness. "Yeah?" I ask back. "I just want to let you know that I care about you and I promise to keep you safe" I silently laugh at his promise. Man, he doesn't know what he just dragged himself into. "Okay?" he asks sounding somehow desperate making my heart swell. He was trying to act so nice to me. "Okay" I answer back. I can feel him smiling in the darkness as a new wave of exhaustion takes over me as I fall fast asleep.

I am awakend by a loud horn noise. As I sit up quickly I bang my head on the top bunk. "Shit"  I curse and hold my head. "You get used to it" I turn over to look at Jason as he sits up in bed, smirking at me. "Oh, shut up" I humorously tell him as he laughs. He gets out of bed and stretches. "You ready for breakfast?" He asks as I stand up. I pull my hair into a ponytail and then smile at him. "Now I am" I say as he smiles and links my arm with his as we head out of the cabin.

We get to the mess hall and Jason explains how people have to sit with their godly brothers and sisters which I think is a stupid rule. I look over and lock eyes with Blaire who shoots me a wide smile as I try to smile back. She seems happy I think happily, glad that she is in a good mood.

As Jason and I sit down Leo gets up from his table and comes over and sits at our table. "What's up ladies?" he asks us earning a glare from Jason and an eyeroll from me. "Leo you're not supposed to be over here" I try to explain to him. He smirks at me "well it's a good think I don't follow the rules hothead" he says as he props his feet on the table earning another eyeroll from me. Mr.D sends him a murdurous look but all Leo does is puts his feet down and smiles and waves at Mr.D.

All of the sudden Percy,Blaire, and Annabeth walk over to our table. They are just asking to get yelled at by Mr.D. Blaire takes a seat next to me. "How are you holding up?" she asks me. "I'm good" I reply "What about you?". "I'm great" she responds with a smile which makes me relieved that she is doing better. Annabeth, Percy, Jason and Leo keep exchanging glances. I sigh loudly "What's up with you guys?" I ask. Annabeth ignores me and finally asks Jason a question. "Have you told her about the prophecy yet?" she asks. That tips my patience over the edge. "That's it" I explain getting up.

I start walking up to the head table where Chiron and Mr.D are seated. The rest of them follow me. Chiron looks up, surprised to see me. "Paige, what's wrong?" He asks me. "We" I explain motioning to me and him and the other 5 behind me "need to have a chat in private".

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