Blaire's strength

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I stay layed out on the ground waiting for the exhaustion to pass. Tears still splotch my face as I catch my breath. Ashton slowly crawls over to me. He raises my rght arm so he can see the mark that Violet made. He takes the bottom half of his shirt and pushes down on the mark.

The others run over to us and Percy hands me a block of ambrosia. I eat a little of it but the pain in my arm doesn't subside.The stinging stays there as a mark of Violet's power and my weakness. I angrily look at the bloody V she left and know it will leave a scar for the rest of my life.

Ashton pulls me into a warm embrace as a single tear comes out of his eye "This is all my fault" Ashton whispers softly so that only I can hear. "I should have stopped her. Or at least fight back when she took the helmet". I shudder at the memory of Violet's lips on his. This is how he must have felt when I kissed Will.

"No it's not I should have stopped her" I whisper back to him as he runs a hand through my hair, sending an electric feeling through my whole body like it always does when he touches me.

Blaire speaks up "What are you guys talking about? We can still do this! We can defeat her! We still have time to give the Big Three their weapons before war breaks out among them! The deadline is noon, it is only 9 oclock. We still have 3 hours and their throne is on the Empire State Building! That's in Manhattan! So get off of your butts and lets go take that bitch down".

Blaire's somewhat motivating speech sends me smiling and I quickily stand up and brush my hands off. The bleeding on my arm has ceased and I feel recharged. "Blaire's right! Lets go!".

Ashton quickily gets up and all of us start sprinting. "WAIT" Will shouts and we all abruptly stop, Leo goes flying into Ashton sending both of them toppling to the ground. We turn to Will as Leo and Ashton get up "What?" Ashton snaps angrily at him. I'm not sure if the anger came from just being toppled over or from not liking Will in general.

"That girl just said that your powers don't work. That must be because she is controlling them with the big three's items. So how do you think your going to get across that body of water to Manhattan? Swimming?" Will asked. I quickily realize that he is right and at that moment when I looked at Will I don't just see a boy who has a rich dad, I see an intelligent man.

"Will's right" I speak up and see Ashton roll his eyes but I continue speaking "If we just ran there we would never defeat her in time. We need to get there quickily. Will can we take your helicopter for another joy ride?" Will smiles and nods. "Next stop, Manhattan!"

We pile into the helicopter tightly. Annabeth on Percy's lap, Jason sitting next to them, Blaire in the passenger seat and Will in the drivers seat. Before I can climb in Ashton grabs my hand and pulls us both in and sits me on his lap.

I turn scarlet but stay there. I stay stiff until he wraps his arms around me and leans me back on him "I promise you, I'm not letting you out of my sight again" he whispers in my ear sending a wave of warm comfort through my body.

The ride is full of awkward glances at me from Jason and Will. I also catch a wink from Blaire making me blush even more.

"There she is!" Blaire yells breaking the silence. Everybody's head snaps to her window to look at what she is pointing at. Violet is flying over the body of water with the trident and bolt in her hands and the helmet in her backpack.

"Will! land this helicopter now!" I shout and he nods as we lower to the ground right next to the edge of the statue of liberty. We quickily climb out and jump onto the ferry next to the water with the confused driver in it.

Will slaps a fifty dollar bill in his hand "Drive as fast as you can to Manhattan". The driver nods and starts the boat. It surprises me how fast the ferry goes. I excpected it to be slower but we get to the city just as Violet lands on the ground.

Violet looks over at us with an amused smirk "look who it is" she taunts and we all draw our weapons. "Give us back the items" I growl. She laughs "You think I'm going to give you the items because you asked? You're dumber than I thought" she says cruellfully. That was the last straw. I lunged for her.

I swiped my dagger across her face and she let out a yell. She turns to me, the electric eyes I used to think were intriguing turned icy cold. She laughs humorlouslly "You shouldn't have done that" she lifts the bolt towards me and I go flying back. 

Luckily Leo breaks my fall with his body. How is it that Leo is always breaking my falls? All of the sudden a wave of pain goes through me and I collapse to the ground. I notice everyone else on the ground trembling with pain except Will.

He looks over at Violet and tries to tackle her. He gets in a good punch before she sends him flying back into a store's window. His body crashes into it, shattering the window as he continues flying into the store.

"Will!" I manage to scream before collapsing again. The pain is neverending and I feel like I'm going to pass out at any moment. Violet laughs and speaks up.

"You guys are just in time to see the rise of my army" she smiles and holds out Hades's helmet. All of the sudden the ground splits in two.

By now, there were no people on the street. I know the mist covered some of the magic that was happening but they obviously saw something scary that sended them fleeing.

As the crack grows, monsters start to spill into the street. I watch terrified at the many different monsters coming out of the ground. Some I recognized from myths but most of them I didn't. They were all different kinds of scary and they made the most awful noises.

At this moment, I realize how many monsters Violet has gathered. She must have been planning this for months. They all line up into rows and face her.

Violet smiles evilly and turnes back towards us "Do you see the hoplessness of your quest now demigods? You will never defeat me! Not when I have this much power!". I am about to give up all hope when I see the most amazing thing ever.

Blaire starts to stand up, her whole body trembling. Violet faces her with an evil smile "That's so cute that you think you have a chance even when there is no hope left. You truely are pathetic.

Trembling with the strength it is taking Blaire to stand, Blaire finally speaks up "YOU. DON'T. CONTROL. ME!" she screams as she raises her hands. Suddenly, a wave of salt water from the river surrounding the city rises and speeds towards us. Wait, scratch that, it was a tsunami!

It passes right pass us and towards the hundreds of monsters. Immedeatly, they get dragged under the water. Most of them immedeatly burst into golden dust while others take a little longer to kill. Blaire's whole body is trembling and she is glowing blue.

It is the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed. Blaire glowing blue while sending a tsunami over hundreds of monsters singlehandedly. At that moment I realize how amazing Blaire is, how powerful she is. She always is and has been a pretty girl but at that moment with her glowing with strength, she is truely beautiful.

She sends her arms back and the water flies back into the river as if nothing has happened. I look at the once enormous army and see that there is only 20 monsters left along with Violet. Blaire collapses onto her hands and suddenly the pain from my body is lifted and I can get up.

Violet looks at Blaire with a crazy look "What did you do to my army!" she shrieks and at that moment I realize how truely ugly Violet is. Blaire stands up and stares straight at her "I sent them to Tarturus, where you also belong!" she says and sprays a jet of water at Violet and she goes flying back.

I quickily run over to Blaire and pull her into a hug. I pull away and hold her by her arms and start talking fast "You-You just... You did... Dude! You were amazing!" Blaire laughs at my enthusiasim and shrugs "I'm always amazing" I laugh and we smile at each other as we stand a few feet away from each other.

Suddenly Blaire's smile disappears replaced with an expression of horror. I turn around to see what she is looking at that's behind me but she suddenly pushes me to the ground. I let out a yell at my impact with the concrete road. I turn back around towards Blaire and see the scariest thing I have ever witnessed that makes my heart drop to my stomach.

Blaire had a knife lodged directly into her stomach.

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