The Quest comes first

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We kept riding until we were above a cave like structure surrounded by trees. "Stop right here Leo" I tell Leo while a run my fingers through Ashton's hair. I remember that trick from my mother. Sometimes when I was hurt or sick she would softly run her fingers through my hair and it made me feel 100 times better. That was one of the only good loving memories I had of her.

We dropped down next to the cave and walked over to it. Leo threw a fireball in it to make sure no one was in there. We walked inside, Ashton's right arm around me and his left arm around Leo. 

We put down a blanket on the stone ground for Ashton and then propped him up with the backpack. "Here" I say handing him a block of ambrosia. I remember the time I tasted it and knew that Ashton would be better soon. 

He soon finished it and I could already see color coming back to his face. I grab my water bottle and give him a few sips of it. "You should try to get some rest I say pushing him softly to lay down. He cooperates without any argument and almost immedeatly falls asleep.

I lean back on the wall of the cave, watching his steady breathing. Leo hands me some clean comfortable clothes and turns away while I put the clothes on. He also changes and we start a fire and use the clothes as fuel for it. We didn't want any evidence about us to be found.

"You should get some sleep" Leo informs me. I have been mindlessly staring at Ashton while he slept and snapped out of my gaze. I nod my head "Yeah you're right" I say leaning back against the wall and close my eyes. I am asleep in seconds.


I wake up to someone groaning.

My eyes slowly open up as I look around the familiar cave. Leo is gone probably getting more wood and it is around 9ish. The sun is glowing outside, making it look as though the thunderstorm last night never happened.

I turn to Ashton to see him sitting up with his hand on his head. I let out a yawn "How do you feel?" I ask him sleepily. He turns to me "Great but my head hurts like hell". I smile and toss him a bottle of advil that I got from Leo's belt last night along with the ambrosia.

He quickily swallows 2 down without water and sits back. "How long have I been out?" "Just a night" I answer as a wave of awkward silence settles upon us.

"I bet you're missing him right now are'nt you?" Ashton says laughing bitterly. I don't ask who he is talking about because we both know who he is talking about. "I bet you're wishing you were back at the museum comforting that little prick! Go on! Run back to him! See if I care! See if anyone cares" he says, voice rising as he stands up angirly and motions towards the open cave.

All I do is reply softly "Don't blame me. I did what I had to do" He laughs a humorless laugh "You did what you had to do! Oh right! So you had to just let him put his lips on you! You just had to kiss him back! No! You didn't! You could have backed away but you didn't! Instead you acted like a slut!"

As the word slut passes his lips anger takes over me as I stand up "What did you just call me?" I yell angirly at him. He glares back "You heard what I said" he spits at me, not taking back anything that he said making me angrier.

"Okay, Mr. I know everything and I'm always right! I had to kiss him! Leo was coming out of the hall and if I pulled away someone would have turned around and saw him with the trident in his hand so I did what I had to do! I didn't have any of my priorities messed up! The quest came first and I did what I had to for the sake of the quest!" I yell. We are right in each others faces now.

"You could have done many different things to keep the attention away from Leo then what you did! For instance, you could have slapped him" I roll my eyes at him "I'm not going to slap a boy I barely even know!" He throws his hands up in frustration "Oh but kissing a boy you barely even know isn't out of the question!"

"Why the hell do you care if I kiss him!" I am screaming now in frustration "Because" he screams out just as loud "I care about you and don't want to see you get hurt!" I scoff "That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it!" his face grows redder "No it's not I-" he is interrupted by a yell from in the forest.

We both shut up and turn towards the forest. The yell comes again and it sounds familiar. We turn towards each other and say at the same time "Leo".

We sprint out of the cave and towards the scream. It is closer now. It is now coming from a clearing in the woods. It looks like a little pasture covered with grass in the middle of the woods. Ashton grabs me by the waist and drags me back before I go barreling into the clearing.

We peek from behind the trees and see 2 big figures. They are in the center of the pasture and are looking down at a smaller figure. Leo.

"I'M NOT GOING TO ASK YOU AGAIN BOY! WHERE IS THE TRIDENT" One of the figures says and I now look clearly at it and see what they are. They are cyclops's. They both have a big eye on their forhead and they both look filthy. One of them has a club in his hand.

"I-I don't know" Leo tries to lie, stuttering badly. "LIAR" the other one bellows "WE KNOW YOU HAVE IT! IF YOURE NOT GOING TO GIVE IT TO US WILLINGLY WE WILL HAVE TO TAKE IT OURSELVES" he yells raising up his club.

That's it. I can't let this happen. I run into the clearing with Ashton right behind me "Don't you dare touch him" I shout feeling a twist in my stomach as a lightning bolt comes down and hits both of them in the back. They fall but quickly get back up.

"Daughter of Zeus" one of them says snarling at me "Poseidon hates Zeus!" He raises his club and brings it down towards me but I roll out of the way.

The other one tries to pick up Ashton but he slices at it with his sword. I grab Leo and drag him, running towards the forest but one of the cyclopses step in front of us, blocking the exit. We quickily turn around but the other one is also right behind us.

Ashton sprints to the right but before he can get far, cyclopse number 1 backhands him and he falls to the ground. I raise my hands, ready to summon a lightning bolt but before I can Cyclopse number 2 clobers me in the side and a cry in pain as I fall right beside Ashton. 

Leo tries to summon a fireball ball but is quickily stopped by Cyclopse 1 with a sweep at the feet. Cyclopse 1 walks right up to where we are laying on the ground. I try to stand up but before I can Cyclopse 2 puts his club across all three of us, making us unable to get up.

I stop struggling for a second Is this really how it's going to end? After everything we've been through? Are we seriously going to die because of two stupid cyclopses? I think to myself as I reach for both Leo and Ashton's hand and squeeze. 

They squeeze back as Cyclopse 1 takes a spear covered with barbed wire from behind him and positions his hands on it.

"Say goodbye Demigods" the cyclopse laughes in triumph. I watch as he raise up the spear and then I look away and close my eyes.

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