The Final Battle

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"BLAIRE!" I scream and run over to her as she starts to fall over and catch her.

I gently put her on the ground, tears already threatening to come out as I look at her wound. It is way too bloody to be healthy. I gently apply some pressure to it with the bottom of my shirt and mummble to myself "no, no, no, this can't be happening".

Blaire is already turning pale and her breaths become more laboured. Tears are freely falling down my face as I stare down at my best friend. "SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP!" i scream at the top of my lungs, going into panic.

The group runs over to Paige and I. Will peels off his shirt and wraps it on the wound around the knife "I'm sorry but I have to take this out. This might hurt" he says and quickily yanks the knife out of Blaire as she lets out a scream.

The blood stops coming out as hard but still is coming out fast even with Will applying pressure to it with his shirt. I cup her face with my hands. "Someone bring her some ambrosia!" I scream and feel a hand touch my shoulder. I look up to see Jason looking at me with a sad expression on his face. "I'm sorry Paige" he starts "but ambrosia won't do anything at this point".

At this I let out a yell of agony and cup Blaire's face "Why would you take the knife for me" I ask, the tears streaming down my face, neverending. She weakly smiles at me "You would do the same for me" I knew she was right.

"No, no. You can't die on me! Your the only family I have ever had" I say, desperately clinging to the hope that she will make it. She smiles again at me "You have a new family now" she exclaims looking back at the people behind me.

"Please don't leave me. I don't think I'll be able to survive it" I shudder and look at the ground. "Paige look at me" Blaire says and I look up at her as she looks deep into my eyes and I look at her coral reef ones.

"You don't need me to be strong anymore because you are strong on your own Paige and no one can take that away from you. You are the reason I don't feel alone and I will always be with you and no one can take my spirit away from you. I want you to stay brave and fight back. Don't stop fighting because I will be fighting with you. You are the most amazing friend. You're my sister and we're bonded for eternity and when your time comes, many years from now, we will reunite in Elysium and we will never be seperated ever again".

I let out a chocked sob "I love you Blaire. I will forever and I'm proud to call you my sister" I manage and she smiles at me "I love you too Paige. Stay strong for me" at that her gaze shifts to the sky and her body stiffens.

At that point, my whole body breaks down and I collapse over her and cry. I cry harder than I ever have and probably ever will. My best friend is gone forever. I try to collect myself a few times but I eventually give up trying to be strong.

Percy reaches out to touch his now dead sister with tears streaming down his face and everyone elses faces and I lose it. I grab the bloody knife that is beside Blaire and stand up.

"VIOLET! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I scream, my throat raw from crying so much. I hear a laugh and she reappears with Hades's helmet in her hands a few feet away from me and all I can see is red.

I lunge at her and throw her to the ground. I punch her a few times before she pushes me over to the ground and changes our positions so now she is straddling me with a knife at my throat. "Don't test me Ross. I'll kill you just as easily as I did that other bitch" she snarls.

At hearing Violet insult Blaire I turn insane. I scream out in anger and a bolt drops down from the sky and hits Violet and she goes flying back. I do it again and slam her into a brick wall. I shove her on the wall and grip her by her shirt and get right in her face "Don't. You. Dare. Insult. BLAIRE".

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