Ashton's little secret

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It turns out following Ashton through the woods was easier than I expected. He was walking very quickly so I knew he was in a hurry for something which made me even more suspicious. As he walked Leo and I stayed a good 20 yards behind him. Leo started to become a little nervous the deeper into the woods we went but I just ignored his nervousness and kept a close eye on Ashton.

He finally came to a stop next to a huge willow tree that had blooming flowers all around it. It was strange but also slightly funny seeing someone like Ashton surrounded by flowers. He sighes, his back facing us, and speaks loudly "You know you would make the worst spy ever right Ross?" I am surprised he knew I was following him but I reluctantly step out of the shadows of the tree as he turns to face me. "Ah, you brought your little boyfriend Valdez for back up" I was too angry at him at that moment to correct him as I lunge forward and catch him by surprise.

I slam him into the willow tree hard. "You're the traitor in our camp aren't you!" I shout in his face. He shouts back just as fierce "I have no idea what you're talking about" "Bullshit!" I snap back. "I know that you know about the prophecy so don't try to deny it!"

His face suddenly turns into a wicked grin. He takes my arm and flips me over his shoulder to the ground and presses his knee on my back. Leo lunges for him but Ashton simply punches him in the chest and sends him flying back. "I hate to burst your bubble Ross" he sneers. "But the prophecy says that the traitor has a mark of Zeus's bolt and seeing as you're related to the sky god I wouldn't go pointing any fingers" he hisses the last part.

I send a wave of electricity toward him and he flies off me.  I quickly stand up as well as him and walk to stand by Leo and help him up. "Then why in the world are you running off into the woods like a creep?" I snap back and watch as his face turns red. "That's none of your-" "Ashton?" comes a feminine sweet voice from behind me. I turn around to see who it is and find one of the prettiest girls I've seen in front of me. She has dark brown hair travelling all the way down to her lower back and electric blue eyes with a deep tan and perfect skin. "Sorry I'm late. The girls in my cabin wouldn't stop talking to me long enough to slip out".

I turn to Ashton to see a blush cross his face "That's fine" he says in a small voice that makes me laugh. This is so unlike him to be flustered and I start snickering but not being the only one to find this funny seeing Leo next to me cracking up. "Wait are you two-" Ashton slaps his hand across Leo's mouth and finishes his sentence. "practicing sword fighting together? Yes we are Leo." he sends Leo a glare at the last part and Leo shuts his mouth with an amused look on his face.

"Wait, why don't you train in the swordplay arena instead of out here?" I ask the pretty girl. "Well, I'm kind of a child of Aphrodite and if anybody in my cabin were to find out that I wanted to learn how to fight I would be humiliated" she then gives me a smile and adds "Oh, I haven't even introduced myself yet, I'm Violet." she holds out her hand for me to shake and I do. "Well now that we all know each other you two can get lost" Ashton hisses at Leo and I. I look at Leo and give him a smirk. I decide to have a little fun with this new information. "Oh I don't know" I say slowly "I think I would much rather see Ashton try to-" "Get lost Paige" Ashton snarls at me.

I laugh at his expense and grab Leo's arm "You're right, I can see Ashton get his butt kicked anytime from a girl by fighting him myself" I smirk, seeing Ashton grow red and knowing that he knows that if he says anything it will take longer to get rid of me. Leo and I laugh as we walk away from them and out of the woods. We see Annabeth, Percy, and Jason walking together up the big hill.

"Hey!" I shout to them "where are you going?" Percy turns around and smiles at us. "We're going on that quest from the prophecy with permission from Chiron" he explains. I get a little sad knowing that I won't see them for a long time if not ever. "Oh, well where are you heading first?" I ask them curious how they plan to do this. "We're going to California first to see if Hades's helmet of darkness is around there somewhere" Annabeth answers. "Well, be safe" I stupidly try to give them advice. "We will" Jason answers and bends down to hug me. "Don't do anything stupid" I whisper into his ear and feel him chuckle. He looks down at me and whispers "Never" and with that him, Percy and Annabeth head off up the hill. 


Later that night I lay in bed trying to fall asleep and it's around 12AM and I've been trying forever. Luckily a wave of sleep finally takes over me.

The setting changes and I'm in what looks like a throne room. I notice that it is the throne room that the gods have discussions in remembering Annabeth's details of the room from before. "I know you've stolen my trident Zeus and I demand you give it back to me at once!" shouts Poseidon shouts at according to what sounds like my dad. He has short sandy blonde hair and is dressed in armour and is looking furious. "I have no idea where you're stupid trident is all I know is that you have stolen my lightning bolt!" he accuses Poseidon and the shouting from everyone begins to get louder.

Suddenly the setting changes and I am in a dark room filled with fire and a 3 headed dog. I look over at the man on a throne that is covered in skulls and immedeatly recognize him as Hades from his dark messy hair and scruffy beard. He is talking to a women I assume to be Persephone and I hear him say "I will give those inconsiderate brothers of mine 3 weeks and if they don't bring me my helmet by then" his face grows darker "There will be war".

The scene changes yet again and I hear a huge cackle laugh. "Yes there shall be war " a voice says and it sounds as though it has been through a voice modifier but I can still hear the evilness in their words. "Come and find me hero" the voice laughs at the last part and I catch a glimpse of a picture of an abandoned building in the middle of the desert and the picture starts zooming out  as if I'm flying through the air but not before I see a sign that has the word Arizona on it. Then everything goes black.

I wake up with a start drenched in sweat and hit my head on the top bunk for the second time. I curse loudly as I quickly lift the sheets and climb out of bed. I hold my face as I walk over to my trunk and peer inside. I quickly change into a Camp Half-Blood shirt and shorts and slide on tennis shoes. I pick up a backpack that wasn't there when I last checked this trunk but shrug the strange thought off. I pack a toothbrush, a change of clothes and my book I borrowed from Annabeth about greek monsters. I unsheath my dagger to look at it and I see my reflection. I look terrified and flustered and my hair is a mess. I quickly sheath the knife and attatch it to my belt. I pull my hair into a ponytail, take a deep long breath and walk out of my cabin.

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