My trip on a helicopter

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At first all I can see is a bright light. Great way to wake up don't you think? I am blinded for a few seconds but it soon blinks away. I observe my surroundngs. I am in what looks like a hospital room. I look to my right and see the boy that saved me. William.

He is asleep but his hand is holding mine. I sit up and he stirs from his sleep. He sleepily smiles at me "Your'e awake" I roll my eyes and smile "Yeah thanks for noticing" he laughs and I laugh too but stop when I feel the pain on my side. I wince.

He looks down at the floor "Yeah, you're pretty beaten up from your.. er.. fall" he says nervously. I can tell he is wondering how I fell but I don't have the energy to tell him so I let him continue. "You broke one of your legs, an arm, have 2 broken ribs and a lot of cuts and bruises.

I sit there shocked for a second. How in the world can I have that many injuries. I suddenly remember something. I look down at myself but find myself wearing a hospital gown. "Will, where are my clothes?" I ask him. He points over to the corner where they are sitting folded (probably by him).

I start to get up but William puts a hand over me and gets up. He brings my clothes over to me. I reach out for my pants and fish into the pockets, feeling for the ambrosia that was leftover from Ashton's shot wound.

I take the block of medicine and shove it in my mouth. I moan from the taste. This time it tastes like my favorite cake, velvet cheescake. I immedeatly start to feel better but it is a slow recovery. "No one has ever called me Will before" William says randomly, talking about how I called him Will a few seconds earlier.

I smile at him "Well now you have" he looks over at the wall "Will" he says to himself and then smiles "I like it" I stare at him for a while before I finally speak "Why in the world did you save me?".

Will looks down at the floor nervously "I don't know what you mean" "Yes you do" I push further "I lied to you and used you at that ball but you still forgave me" "I did not forgive you" Will snaps while his face turned stony "you pushed me away from that bullet. You saved my life. Now were even" silence washes upon us.

After a while I speak up "Would you believe me if I said it was for a good reason?". He laughs cruelfully "What reason could you possibly have for leading me on like that?" I blush at the memory of him kissing me.

"I didn't mean for things to go the way they did" he kicks a chair "Well how the hell did you want things to go? You wanted to just use me to steal one of my fathers possesions and leave me unhurt? If you honestly thought that than you're not as smart as I thought you were" he words sting but I know they are true.

"I didn't mean to hurt you but I had to, you just don't understand" I say. He sighs exasperated "Then tell me what I don't get?" I look away "You wouldn't believe me if I did" he sits down in a chair right beside my bed and looks deep into my eyes "I just saw a girl fall from the top of Cinderella's castle and survive, try me".

So I tell him everything. About going to half-blood, the quest, the bolt, everything except for my kissing scene with Ashton. I didn't want to hurt him more than I already had. I finally finished and looked over at him. He is looking at me with wide eyes.

"No one is creative enough to make all of that up so yeah, I believe you". I smile at him and look outside. It is getting dark. I shoot straight up "How long have I been out?"

"A day" he replies I quickily get up and start pacing. The ambrosia had fixed everything during my story so now all I have is a dull headache. "I only have 2 days left! counting today! What am I going to do!"

Will places a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me "It's okay. I can order a private helicopter to come and pick us up and take us to wherever you need to go" I smile in relief but it quickily falls back down. "But I don't know where they are".

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