Part 1

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When I was 12, I moved from Fishland, Michigan to Lola Ville, Florida.

Dear Journal,

Yesterday was my birthday, I turned 16. I would love to sit and write but I need to go watch Rickey because our parents are out of town in Maine.


"Sis, come here and play with me, you are this character," Rickey said joyfully.

"I was just going to go do my homework, you can come play quietly in my room, while I do my homework," I replied.

"Then will you play?" he asked cheerfully.

"Sorry no, because after I do my homework, I need to babysit and you will come with," I replied.

"Then will you play?" he asked overly excited.

"Then my friends are coming over for a sleepover," I explained.

"Can we all play?" he asked full of excitement.

"Maybe I don't know, we have a lot to do, but I will see what I can do," I said turning back to my homework. Ugh! Social studies homework. How was I supposed to focus on homework when my brother was right beside me and I was not that interested in this subject? Social studies is almost always boring. "Uggggg," I moaned out loud.

"Play? To cheer you up?" Rickey asked.

"I still have more to do," I replied, "maybe later."

Around an hour later I finally was done with my homework.

"Rickey, pack up a few toys that you want to bring for babysitting," I told him

"Then play?" he asked.

"Maybe for now focus on packing," I replied

About five minutes later we left for the Johnson's (the house that I was going to babysit for). About five minutes after that we were at the Johnson's. We went up and I rang the doorbell.

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