Part 18

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"McKenna, Colette, and Morgan can you please finish breakfast while I get Rickey?" I asked.
"Yeah," said McKenna.

"Sure," said Colette.

"In five minutes, maybe," replied Mogan.

"Okay," I said rolling my eyes. I went upstairs to Rickey's room. Cupcake and Lavender followed me.

"Can someone let Cupcake out please," I asked in a whisper holler down the stairs.

"That I can do," said Morgan. Laughter downstairs. I walked into Rickey's room.

"Good morning," I said waking him up.

"Morning sis," Rickey replied, "SIS!"

"Breakfast will be ready in a few downstairs," I told him. He came over and gave me a big hug and I hugged him back. I left him to get dressed for the day and went back downstairs.

"Okay he will be down in a minute, Morgan thanks for letting Cupcake out, McKenna, and Colette thanks for making breakfast, He didn't see my arm and don't let him know but don't be obnoxious about hiding it, he doesn't need to know unless he happens to see me then I will reply or you can tell him that is just hurt nothing more I don't want him to worry, okay," I said continuing the breakfast Morgan (now helping), Colette and McKenna.

"So, what is for breakfast?" asked Athena.

"Pancakes or waffles your choice there will be both, bacon, sausages, fruit, orange juice, and scrambled eggs," I list, "yes, there will be toast if you want any."

"Wow," Athena replies.

"Incoming," says Leah.

"Hello, Lavender and Cupcake," I say, "hi, Rickey." I finish the last of breakfast and me, McKenna, Morgan, and Colette bring all the food, syrups, drinks, and condiments to the table.

"Alright did we miss anything?" I ask.

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