Part 15

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The doctor says "you can get it when you all leave, Can you stand up?"

"I think so, I can try," I try to stand up. Then I walk over to my friends and hug Colette then McKenna, Morgan, Athena, Leah, and Katie.

"I think that answers your question," says Athena.

"See you in a week," the nurse says and she and the doctor leave. I stand up and put my shoes back on.

"How are we going to get back?" askes Leah.

"Good question," replies Athena. "

Why don't we just rent a car? There is a place a few blocks away," I respond "I drive past here every so often."

"Who is going to drive there are only three people that have their license the rest of us only have our permits?" Colette askes.

"I will because Alyssa is hurt and Zach I am guessing doesn't want to and they are the only others who have a license," Morgan says.

"I can drive, I really don't care," I say.

"You almost fractured your wrist, I don't think you should be driving," McKenna says.

"Okay," I reply.

"Let's just go," I say. We all make it to the car rental. We get a car and get in.

"We call dibs on way back," Zach says.

"I call shotgun," McKenna says climbing in. Morgan gets into the driver's seat.

"I call middle with Katie and Leah," says Athena.

"Of course leave me with these two thanks," says Colette.

"I would offer to switch but, no," responds Athena. We all laugh. Morgan drove us all home and we got out of the car.

"So, how are we going to return this?" askes Morgan referring to the car.

"Well I can ride with you and we can bring our bikes and just ride back," I say.

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