Part 4

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"Athena, come in!" I exclaimed cheerfully trying not to laugh.

"What's going on?" Rickey asked coming downstairs.

"Nothing," we all replied in sync. Rickey went back to his room to go back to playing and we explained about the doorbell ringing to Athena.

"You guys can put your bikes in the garage," I said opening the garage. Once all the bikes were in I shut the garage door and we walked back inside.

"Let's go upstairs," I said grabbing some of their bags. We then laughed as we went upstairs. When we got there I put their bags down in a pile on the floor.

"Who is sleeping where?" I asked. Before they came over I had placed sleeping areas for everyone even those who were leaving early well because you never know. They all picked were they wanted to sleep and got their area all set up.

"What do you want to do first?" I asked once we were all ready.

"Can I have some water please," asked Katie.

"Me too," agreed Colette.

"And me," said McKenna.

"Plus me," quickly said Leah.

"Me as well," said Morgan.

"Don't forget me," added Athena.

Suddenly water appeared in front of them as soon as they started to say that they were thirsty. I am thirsty I thought and water appeared in front of me also.

"What just happened?" my friends all said at once, all turning to face me.

"I have no idea," I replied in a little bit of shock, "It has been happening, ever since I moved here almost like it is something with this room nowhere else in the house this happens it's really weird." We all went and started to explore my room to see if we could figure out how this was happening.

"How far back does this room go," asked McKenna.
"I have no idea I stopped looking about a mile in," I explained to them. All of them were shocked. A room over a mile long how crazy is that.

"Do you just ask and it appears?" asked Athena. 

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