Part 16

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"Just one problem," Morgan starts.

"Don't even finish that thought," I say "I know about my arm Colette and McKenna can come to the rest of you can get Rickey and let out Lavender and Cupcake."

"I still don't think," Morgan started.

"Let's go now," Alyssa interrupted closing the trunk with the four bikes in.

"Okay let's go," said Colette.

"Okay," said McKenna.

"I call shotgun," I said hopping into the front seat.

Morgan drove over and we returned the car. Then we got onto the bikes and rode home everyone was nervous about me riding a bike. We got back a little while later. When we got back everyone wanted to know how it worked and they let me respond. Cupcake and Lavender jumped on me and I picked them up.

"Everything was fine," I said.

"She's not lying," Morgan, McKenna, and Colette replied.

"Rickey is in bed," said Athena.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem," Athena replied. We all went upstairs to my room. I set Cupcake and Lavender on my bed. I looked at the clock it's 11 o'clock.

"We should probably take you home," McKenna said turning to Zach after noticing me look at the time.

"We should have dropped you off when we were returning the car," said Morgan. I thought to the room and wished my headband back and on my head.

"What the heck just happened?" asked Zach.

"Her room just does this," answered Athena.

"And it's over 2 miles long even though it doesn't look like it from the outside and it's not," added Katie.

"Hey I know how we can get you home, I am going to try one of the two ways first, If I am not back in ten minutes..........," I paused "goodbye." 

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