Part 9

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"Hi, mom, I was calling to ask a question, I am at the shelter and I saw a kitten named Lavender that the staff were trying to catch and she walked right over to me purring and I saw this puppy named Cupcake and she was hiding and avoiding everyone and came right over to me," I explain.

"Ok, I think I know where this is going, I will go ask your father, send me the information," my mom says to me. I send her the information and she calls me back ten minutes later.

"Your father and I say yes," mom tells me, "Do you have your basket in the back for your backpacks and your basket big enough for the pets in the front?"

"Yes," I reply, "I will keep you on the phone for the whole time and let you speak the information they need and I can do the writing for you." I walk inside and tell them I want to adopt Cupcake and Lavender. They get the pets to see if they would get along, they get along great. They bring out the paperwork and half an hour later they are done and ready to come home with me. I text McKenna and she comes in to carry the paperwork. We walk to the bikes and meet the rest of my friends there. I put the paperwork in my backpack and put the pet's carriers the pets inside in my bike basket after I put my backpack in the back basket. We carefully ride to my brother's school. I hop off my bike and have Athena and Morgan help keep my bike up. I walk over to Ricky's bike and unlock it and bring it over by ours and Katie holds it. Then I go and get Ricky. We walk back to our bikes and I strap his backpack on the back of my bike.

"Why are you putting our backpacks on the back of your bike and what's in those?" he asks me.

"Our new pets, Lavender a kitten and Cupcake a puppy," I reply.

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