Part 5

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"Yes, I think, I don't really know," I replied, "weird isn't it?"

"Yeah," agreed Morgan. We played games and chatted for a while, not noticing the time flying by, soon it was 6:00.

"Let's go eat dinner," I told everyone.

"Dinner," I said as I walked passed Rickey's room and he followed me downstairs. We ate pizza and chatted for a while longer. Soon it was 7:30.

"I will be back in about ten minutes," I told everyone, "It's Rickey's bedtime meet me in my bedroom." Once I Rickey was in bed I went back to my own room. We chatted and played until it was 10:00 how did time pass so quickly?

"Time for me to go home," said Leah.

"Me too," agreed Athena.

"Sadly me three," added Morgan.

I was about to open the door when the doorbell rang.

"Were you expecting any visitors?" asked Leah.

"No, just you guys," I replied. We quickly snuck downstairs. I looked through the peephole first then we took turns peeking through the peephole and there was a guy in a black outfit.

"Who is that?" asked Morgan.

"No idea who he is either," I added.

"I can stay tonight if I tell my mom," Leah decided.

"Me too," Athena added.

"I will tell my Hunter my little brother's babysitter," Morgan paused, "My parents are with Alyssa's."

"We're cousins," I added. We made sure all the doors and windows were shut, locked and covered. We went up to my room and I wished the same to happen to my doors and windows I kept the hall door open so I could get to my brother's room and the bathroom. We chatted until it was 10:20. 

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