Part 17

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"Don't even think about it," Morgan said. I did it anyway, I asked the room to take me to Morgan's house with a bike. I got there and tried asking to get back to my room no luck. I called Morgan.

"You did it, now where are you," asked slightly disappointed Morgan.

"Who's calling," asked McKenna.

"I'm on the phone with Alyssa talk to you in a minute," replied Morgan.

"I will be back in ten," I said and then hung up. Ten minutes later. I got back and put my bike in the garage and went inside. I went upstairs.

"Are you okay, I told you not to do this," Morgan started.

"I'm fine okay my arm hurts a little and it is slightly hard to steer but I'm fine," I interrupted.

"Bye, see you later," I said.

"What? Where am I going? Where did you go?" Zach started asking. I kissed him again.

"See you later," I said. I wished and asked the room to take him his house. He vanished.

Then later that night we went to bed after having something to eat and playing a little bit. I fell asleep last at 2 am. At 7 am I woke up and went to the bathroom to look at my face and scratches without waking anyone else. All the scratches were gone and the one on my head was much better and much fainter. I went back to my room and feed Lavender and Cupcake. I sat and wrote in my notebook for about an hour after changing today I was in a long blue shirt with a gray kitten and black leggings. Then at 8, some people woke up. I wished my room to make sure anyone who was sleeping wouldn't hear a thing until they were awake.

"Wow all of your scratches are gone and your head is much better and fainter," McKenna and Colette said.

"I noticed that too, my arm is the same, just now it is sore," I replied.

"That's impressive," McKenna said. We chatted for about 20 minutes. Once Leah woke up at 8:20 I went downstairs to make breakfast. 20 minutes later Katie woke up 10 minutes later Athena. Finally, at 9 o'clock, Morgan woke up. They all came down for breakfast. 

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