Part 3

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"Congrats, Jessica," Mrs. Johnson exclaimed as she walked over to us. We stepped aside from the kids.

"Thanks," she told me.

"No, problem, anytime," I replied. Then she paid me.

"Thank you," I responded.

"You're welcome," she said smiling.

"Rickey, come on," I told Rickey. I turned to everyone else, "bye see you soon."

"Bye," they all replied.

"Got everything?" I asked turning to Rickey as we walked to the garage.

"Yep," he replied. We both grabbed our bikes. I put my backpack in the basket on the front of my bike, and he got on his bike. I then hopped on my bike and we rode home. Around five minutes later we arrived at our house.

"I will be upstairs, in a second," I told him. I put our bikes in the garage. Then I double checked my backpack and made sure I had everything for school tomorrow. Then I went upstairs to unpack the things that we brought. Next, I made sure I had everything ready for the sleepover. After that, I went to check on my brother and found him preparing for school tomorrow. I helped him get ready. When he was ready to go and both our rooms were clean, I put his backpack downstairs then went back to his room to help him move his toys to a corner where it was easy to get to all of them and was not in the way (well the ones he was playing with at least). We had just finished up and we were going to play when suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Ohh, that must be them!" I exclaimed to Rickey and rushed downstairs.

"Katie, Colette, come in," I cheerfully said. They walked in, I closed the door then, the doorbell rang.

"McKenna, Morgan come in!" I exclaimed cheerfully. I shut the door then, the doorbell rang again. They giggled.

"Leah, come in!" I exclaimed cheerfully slowly shutting the door "Watch the doorbell is going ring" I said while rolling my eyes. When I said ring the doorbell rang. They busted out laughing so hard.

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