twenty two - don't be gone

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He ran down the street as fast as he could, his two friends trailing behind him. He ignored the throbbing in his head and headed straight for the forest path, and then slowed to a walk once the trees cast shadows over the path. The forest was quiet today, and that made him nervous. There was a little wind, rustling the leaves and branches, and sometimes a bird chirped, but it was cold and quiet, as if the entire forest was holding its breath. Tyler paused and held his breath, too, but he didn't hear anyone behind him. Even his friends were silent.

"I still don't like the forest," Clancy whispered.

"Something's wrong," Tyler said.

"What is it?"

"I don't know. I can just feel it in my gut. Like dead rose bushes. A spidery feeling."

They crossed the bridge and as usual, Tyler hesitated a second before he stepped off of the path, and instantly, the feeling grew worse. It made him regret eating before he left. He shivered and zipped up his jacket, wishing he'd worn his beanie to warm his ears in. Clancy whimpered something about wanting to go home, but Tyler shook his head and pressed on. Something told him that he needed to be here.

When they reached the fence, Tyler noticed a grey lump on the other side, laying on the ground by a long stick. He quickly scaled the fence and dropped down beside it.

It was Josh's beanie. It was damp and dirty, but unmistakably his. No one else came back here. Clancy asked what it was, but Tyler ignored him and broke into a run, questions racing through his mind. Was Josh okay? Was he waiting at the treehouse? Had someone like that man attacked him, kidnapped him, hurt him? What if he was seriously hurt, or even dead? What if he was so traumatized like Tyler that he never came back again?

Again, Tyler slowed when he approached the treehouse and looked up. He couldn't see inside, but he could hear someone sobbing. Had someone else found their secret place? Slowly, he climbed up the wooden ladder and looked in.

"Josh?" he said softly.

Josh jerked up with a yelp, and when his frantic eyes landed on Tyler, he quickly ducked and turned away. "Oh, hey," he mumbled, his voice shaking.

"Are you okay?" Tyler instantly regretted asking, as it was incredibly obvious that he wasn't okay.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm okay. I just -" He cut off with a sharp inhale that shook his whole body.

"Do you want me to leave?" Tyler asked softly.

"No!" Josh said quickly. "No, please stay. I - I just - I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Tyler climbed into the treehouse and scooted toward him. Josh flinched, so he froze and didn't come any closer. "I found your beanie."

"Thanks." But he didn't move to take it, so Tyler folded it awkwardly and set it down between them.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"Now you're sounding like your therapist," Nico grumbled.

"Just a minute," Josh said between shuddering breaths. A tree in a hurricane, broken and ready to snap at any moment. He still wouldn't turn his head to face him. When he rubbed his eyes with his arm, his jacket sleeve rolled up just enough to reveal a nasty purple red bruise, and Tyler's eyes widened. He leaned around slowly and saw a horrible purple and green one on his cheekbone, spreading down across his cheek.

"What happened to you?" Tyler asked quietly. He reached out and gently touched his shoulder, and Josh jerked away from him, and then covered his face his with hands.

"I - I'm sorry, I didn't mean - I mean you can -" he stuttered out, and then the crying returned and he could barely speak. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."

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