author's note

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Thank you guys so much for reading this. You have no idea how much it means to me. I worked really hard on it and poured every emotion I could feel into this. This is probably the most personal story I have ever written. Yes, it's been a rough couple of months, but I'm getting through it. My mom actually wanted me to stop writing this, because she was afraid it would make me worse, but if I have up on Tyler, it was as if I was giving up on myself, and I couldn't do that. But it's finished now, and it was a rather happy ending! I had to write that for myself. I couldn't handle another depressing ending like I usually write. So thanks for sticking around for this emotional rollercoaster!

Please like and share and all that stuff, and don't forget to check out my other works. All of them can be understood by anyone, regardless of the fandom. I've made sure by testing them on my friend, so I'm not just saying that, I swear.

Here's a list:

Original works:
The Boy Who Wore The Stars
Paint Me Love
My Friend
Thirty-One Days

Break Us Down

Once Again
I Remember
From the Dust
Because of You
For Me, For You

LOOK I Art-ed :D
hey btw

And don't forget to check out my Amazing Band Fics if you want more amazing band fics by other people!

Thank you again for reading. Stay alive, friends. And though I can't testify that it truly does get better, the only way to find out is to live it. We'll get there together.

I'll see you around :)

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