I'm on a plane right now. To go to Australia. I'm going with Josiah, Christina, Sydnie, Corbyn. Sydnie and Devin broke up not too along ago.
She won't tell me why but I understand that. Zach found my new number and I've head to change my number 3 times.
Sydnie, Corbyn and Christina are getting separate flights. They're still in LA and Josiah and I are in Pennsylvania.
We were sitting beside each other. I convinced mom to not get us first class but she got us good seats.
The plane just took off and I was on my laptop looking at the competition.
This is huge for me.
Sydnie said she was gonna bring my boards. I need to see which one fits the ocean the most.
From Jack 💕
You didn't tell me you where leaving for Aussie!! And you took my sister instead of me... hum RUDE.To Jack Avery
Oof sorry Jackyy!! Love you though!! I'll be sure to send you some dope pictures ;)To Jack 💕
Yeh u better :/ be safe and text me if ANYTHING goes wrong.I leave him on read because what's he exactly gonna do if I fall and scrape my knee? Fly to Aussie to put a band aid on it. I don't think so.
I archived all my posts of Zach and I. He still kept his up. I also know by his snapchat story that he has a plane ticket to Pennsylvania. Tragic how I ain't gonna be there. Jacob will though... oh we love that.
Josiah and I were sitting waiting for the LA flight to land. It's been about 2 hours.
I fell asleep during our flight and we left at midnight. It's like 4pm in Australia. A couple of people knew who I was and asked for pictures. I took pictures with them
Then a girl assumed Josiah and I are dating which is wtf. A girl and a boy can't have fun without assumptions. It's annoying.
We were in Starbucks only because we didn't wanna try new food
I got a message from Christina saying they just landed and they're about to get off
I told them to meet us outside Starbucks. Corbyn knows where he's going.
It was about 30 minutes later and they all walk up to us.
With Jack!!
"Oh my god" I hug him "asshole"
He smiles and hugs me back.
We head to the hotel which wasn't too far away from the beach.
"This place is beautiful" Josiah says.
I was singing into the hotel.
Yes, mom had to be extra with the rooms.
There's 3 rooms, all leading into each other.
Corbyn and Christina,
Jack and Josiah
Me and Sydnie. That's probably what's gonna happen.
We're turning this into a little holiday. I'm going 2 weeks.
The surf is in 4 days and the oceans wave look so high round here so I'm gonna have to practice this.
Not today though. I'm too tired to today.
"Got them" I hand Christina her hotel card and Jack his hotel card. I wheel my suitcases to the elevator and we all wait patiently until it dings for the 6th floor.
FanficSkylar has been Jacks best friend for 10 years, she catches feelings for him and keeps it a secret for 4 years. Then she meets his friend Zach. And falls for him while Jacks left crushing on her. However it's not always Skylar and Zach, A lot of obs...