Chapter Four: Unease

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Today is possibly the most unnerving day to ever come for Laurent. He's going to the dean to inform him of his very uncomfortable encounters with Erin. He does find some solace in the words of his love telling him that everything will be ok...but it's still unsettling because he has no clue where this is going. The dean could decide to give her a warning or possible expulsion. As an educator, Laurent doesn't that want for anyone if it truly isn't necessary. He will be fine with Erin simply being removed from his class and just hope that it would serve as a lesson to her that behavior like that is unacceptable. But, he certainly has no control over what the university decides. His first class is at 10 am though he always arrives much earlier to prepare for the day in his office. Of course most of that time today will be spent in the dean's office and he can feel his stomach forming a nervous knot as he has to not only tell him what happened but play the recording for him. He doesn't want to hear that conversation again but it's necessary. He's currently in the kitchen and has just finished packing the girls favorite lunches of mini turkey and cheese pita pockets, pretzels, carrot sticks and homemade unsweetened applesauce along with a juice box. He keeps the lunches cool in the fridge as he moves onto breakfast and he's now piling each plate with eggs when he hears two cheerful voices calling out, "we're ready"! He turns around and there are Kaylee and Emma dressed adorably with their smiles shining brightly...

Laurent: *smile* "Yes you are and you both look beautiful". 

Kaylee and Emma: *smile* "Thank you papa". 

Laurent: *smile* "Welcome my loves. Sit down and I'll bring your breakfast over yes"? 

They take their seats as Laurent picks up two plates and walks over to place them in front of them. He tells them to be very careful as the eggs are still hot then he sees Larry walking in with Ayden in his arms who he also greets with a smile. Ayden is placed in his high chair and as they eat Larry catches a glimpse of his love who he knows has been nervous since they went to bed last night because Laurent tossed and turned several times. Laurent thought Larry was sound asleep and didn't feel his movements but being so in sync with each other Larry not only felt the movement but sensed his anxiety. It's hard seeing his love in such a state but he's certain that the dean will make sure this doesn't happen again. After breakfast the girls are sweetly instructed to go and get their backpacks so they can be taken to school. They happily comply and while the table is cleared Larry takes the few spare moments to speak to his love...

Larry: "Baby I feel how nervous you are but it will be fine. I know the university has a strict policy for this so try not to worry so much". 

Laurent: "Thank you bebe. It's just hard to believe this is happening". 

Larry: "I understand my love but you're doing the right thing". 

Larry softly grabs his loves hand to comfort him then leans forward and applies a soft peck to those lips. With Larry's gentle touch and soft lips Laurent does feel some anxiety subside so he whispers a thank you to him that Larry replies to with a soft wink. At that moment the girls come back so Larry gives them a kiss then tells them to have a great day in school and he'll see them later. With Ayden back in his arms he walks over to Laurent so he can give their little man a kiss. Larry then gives one more reassuring look to his love then leaves so he can get Ayden to mama. Laurent doesn't want the girls to see him looking worried so he instantly flashes a smile then playfully asks them if they're ready to ride in which they excitedly respond, "yeah" so with their backpacks on and lunches in tow they head for the door. Laurent locks up and they head for the car then Laurent takes off in the direction of their school...

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