Chapter Twenty-Seven: Relentless

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It's the day before the trial of Julian Ramos. Larry and Laurent have done all they can to mentally prepare for this day as it isn't just about the recording, they will also have to see him. Laurent has also been struggling with being so close to him. He tries not to think about it but the closer it gets to the trial day the more it pops up in his mind. He got sick to his stomach when Brunet initially told him and each thought of it brings that same feeling so he has to force his mind to think about something else or do something to take his mind off of it whether it's spending time with the kids or the love of his life. Neither of them have been able to get what detective Brunet said about Ramos being the textbook definition of a psychopath out of their mind and more than likely won't be affected by the trial, particularly when the prosecution is informing the court of just how sinister he is. Being convicted then going to prison for life won't bother him in the least or perhaps the ruling may be a sentence to death for his crime but he won't be affected by that either. To have such lack of remorse is unfathomable...the depth of evil within him is also and therefore justice must prevail. After speaking to Erin, Laurent opted to come home as it was enough being in the same room and sitting across from her listening to her apology then asking for forgiveness. He gets upset as if she actually believes she deserves it. Detective Brunet called him as agreed to inform him of her sentence. Laurent became a bit agitated when he was told that the maximum of five years in prison turned into serving one year in prison and the remaining years on very strict probation. According to the judge, it was her deep remorse that she felt for her callous actions towards Laurent in addition to her spotless record that Brunet mentioned. He became less agitated when he's reminded of his previous statement to detective Brunet in that she will still receive punishment and while he initially wanted her to remain a student during the time of her sexual advances towards him he knows that this will be on her permanent record which will make it extremely difficult for her to become a student at another major university. He doesn't feel bad for his feelings regarding that at all as what she did was reprehensible and she will never understand the magnitude of all he's endured as a result. Now that she's suffering the consequences of her actions he doesn't have to think anything of it any longer and his focus is on more important things...primarily his family and for the last week they've spent time with one another while trying to remain strong as a unit in preparation for tomorrow. When Laurent woke up this morning he had a bad headache and though he had breakfast with his family he told his love that he was going back to the bedroom for rest. It's almost their customary lunch time and while Mama and Larry are in the kitchen preparing their meal Emma is cleaning her room. She makes sure that all of her toys are off the floor and placed in the toy chest. Her stuffed animals are placed on her bed in the order she likes them. She heads for the kitchen and Larry's back is turned when he hears that sweet voice saying, "I'm finished cleaning my room papa" so he turns around...

Larry: *smile* "Oki my love. You can watch cartoons if you want but first will you take your papa some water"?

Emma: *smile* "Yes"! 

Larry chuckles then walks over to the fridge to open it for her. She scans the contents of it before setting her eyes on the bottled water then grabs one...

Larry: "And tell your papa that lunch will be ready soon, oki"?

Emma: "Oki", she replies sweetly. 

She then turns around and the patter of her tiny feet take off for her papas bedroom. Larry then hears mama who's slicing away on some vegetables...

Mama: *smile* "She's a sweet little helper". 

Larry: *smile* "Yeah she is". 

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