Chapter Eight: Appeal

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The abandoned house stands in a composed if it's chosen solitude and residents are a luxury it can forgo. If one were to study the floors they could tell that at one time they had been a parquet that was polished to a smooth finish. Now they're old and demolished. It's a natural tendency to believe that the floors of an abandoned home creak. But, not in a creepy, horror movie kind of way but in a way that one should walk slowly and carefully with each step as the floor beneath them could collapse at any moment. The odor all around is musty and dry. There's a thick dust that's spread all over the creaky floors. The oldest residents of this abandoned house are the spiders. Many generations of them have laced the walls with cobwebs though now they lay in dusty rags. Larry is sitting in the same spot as he cried nearly uncontrollably at the hope that Kaylee was in here so he can scoop her up in his arms and take her home. The anguish at the discovery that she isn't feels like a dagger going through his heart. Only moments ago his weepy eyes looked into the sky and pleaded to his higher power to bring her home. The kids are their life and Kaylee being gone has placed an excruciating void in theirs. It's also deeply affecting Emma and that's another pain that crushes them. Larry is now having visions of them playing together whether it was at home, on the playground they love so much that they went to just days ago, and at Emma's birthday party. To see the joy on their faces as they held hands while jumping up and down in the large inflatables then witnessing the power of their embrace after Emma blew out her candles. The resounding "aww" from the crowd as they witnessed the powerful bond between sisters is what he and Laurent get the pleasure of seeing every day. It simply warms their hearts how close they are and how much they love each other so this void he and Laurent feel is what she feels. Ayden's eyes always light up when Kaylee is near and whenever she extends her arms for him just as she did the Sunday of their family outing he crawls possibly faster to get to her than he crawls for anything or anyone else. That beautiful smile of his and the sweet sound of his laughter while crawling to her is everything. She's so gentle with him and always volunteers to help whether it's changing or feeding him. She's even learned to test his bottle on her wrist to make sure it isn't too hot. Larry can even recall a time where he was feeding him before he was able to hold his bottle. Kaylee looked down at him with her sweet smile and he was so mesmerized by her he raised his hand to touch her face. If Larry could have frozen that moment he certainly would have for it was just beautiful. The memories are becoming overwhelming...but they're also igniting a bigger fire within him to keep looking for her so he pushes himself up then brushes off the dust on him and with a few stray tears accompanied by soft sniffs he makes his way out of the home. He doesn't immediately leave because this home is on large land so he searches the grounds which leads him to the back of the home. He's alarmed to see another window so he rushes right over to look inside. It appears to be a spare bedroom or something of the sort but it isn't a large one and the small closet in it is open with nothing inside. Now having searched every square inch he begins walking to his car. The separate searches continue until hours later when his love calls him and after the disappointing news that neither of them found her nor did they find any additional clues or evidence they decide to go home...

Larry arrived home a few moments before Laurent and he could've went inside to wait for him...but he's still feeling down and completely defeated from his part of the unsuccessful search that after shutting the engine off he just slouches down in the driver's seat and takes this time of silence to himself. He has thoughts of the press conference tomorrow and what that will entail. Hopefully he and Laurent have the chance to speak and make their plea to the citizens to help them find Kaylee so she can finally come home. One hour without her was painful. Days are just too difficult to bare. Minutes later he sees Laurent pulling up only he doesn't have the strength to look at him as his heart is so heavy...but because he and Laurent are so connected he senses his love looking at him so he feels his emotions rising again. He then hears a gentle knock on his window so he turns his head to look up. Laurent gently motions for him to get out so with the keys now in his hands he opens the door while Laurent backs up to give him room. Now standing face to face mere seconds go by before Larry shrugs innocently and his mouth falls open as if he wants to say something but the words just can't find their way out. Laurent doesn't hesitate to embrace him and when Larry feels his hold he bursts into tears. Laurent hears the utter turmoil in that cry and closes his eyes as one of his own tears slips. He holds onto his love slightly tighter and in a whisper he gives him the same reassurance that Larry gave to him when they were in Kaylee's room earlier. He pulls away then takes Larry's face in his hands to gaze at him and when two more tears fall from Larry's eyes Laurent gently wipes them away with his thumbs. Then after composing themselves he leads the way into their home. They walk into the sound of mama whipping up lunch in the kitchen and with Emma and Ayden nowhere in sight they know it's because they're napping. They walk into the kitchen to greet mama whose mood hasn't really changed which they understand. They thank her for watching the babies and cooking lunch then decide to go and check on the kids. They head over to Emma's room first who's sound asleep and just as adorable as can be. Her long, beautiful curls lie against the pillow and she's holding her favorite bear close to her while sleeping peacefully. Ayden's room is next so they tip toe inside then over to the crib and he's as beautiful as always. In the midst of the pain in this living nightmare the sight of Emma and Ayden did produce smiles...though Kaylee's room is just a few steps away that she isn't in. She hasn't felt the comfort of her bed and their hearts sink at the thought of where she's being kept. If she's sleeping on a cold, hard floor. If she's at least being fed while being held captive. They don't want to think the worst and just focus on bringing her home but they do wonder what the kidnapper's, or any kidnapper for that matter, reasoning is for abducting an innocent child. The thought is just unfathomable. They step away from Emma's room and Laurent remembers the flyers and buttons mama suggested...

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