Chapter Twenty-Six: Confront

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Detective Brunet has sat at his desk with the deep silence enclosing him as he fights to keep his emotions from overflowing. Only moments ago he sat across from the devil who killed a little girl who he's sure had dreams that she still had a life ahead of her to fulfill. She just may have been the person to truly change the world. With loving parents like Larry and Laurent he's also sure they would have motivated her to achieve those dreams. Listening to Ramos confess to the crime with no remorse and that sinister smirk before and after Brunet became enraged is nauseating. It's not like he's never seen such soulless non-humans before as he's been in this field for a long time. But, this was a child. A child who loved her papas more than anything and it cuts like a knife knowing that she called for them so many times to help her. As much as he tried to hold back tears they couldn't help but slip from his eyes and drop onto the mahogany desk that he's worked countless hours behind to find her killer. His heart hurts deeply for the Bourgeois family. Also knowing that Kaylee has a younger sister and baby brother that no longer have her hurts deeper. He recalls the first night Laurent had to spend in jail because of his former partner. He stepped a few feet away to give him some privacy when he called home but he could faintly hear him talking to Emma and heard him call her princess along with telling her he loves her. His soft tone towards her only confirmed that jail was the last place he deserved to be so in the midst of his tears he also felt rage at detective Lane building again. Kaylee was Larry and Laurent's other little princess and that's why he will fight tooth and nail to make sure that Ramos receives the maximum punishment, and as he told the press, he certainly wouldn't object to the death penalty. As far as he's concerned, after all the crimes he's committed prison would be too easy for him. He can't recall a time in his career where he's favored the death penalty so much but to be so cold, heartless and barbaric is inhumane.  There was never a doubt in his mind that he's the culprit. He knew from the first time he saw him on the camera footage at the drug store but with years of routine in murder cases he also knew that he had to get the confession in detail to make sure it all coincides with the evidence collected. It's common practice for recordings such as these to play out in court and he's listened to many...but the more he thinks about it the more he realizes that this one would be far too difficult. The family has been through so much and with Laurent's arrest only a week after they buried their child they haven't had time to grieve. To hear the gruesome details in court would be nothing short of devastating so he decides that he should place a call to the prosecuting attorney who's different from the prosecutor that helped to unjustly put Laurent in jail. New trial, new prosecution and a new judge, but most importantly physical evidence should be more than enough for a conviction. He takes in a deep breath and softly exhales then picks up the receiver to place the call. Being that she's a prosecutor she always has her work cut out for her so he may have to leave a message asking for a returned call as soon as possible. But, as luck would have it her assistant informs him that she's available and asks if she can tell her who's calling. He's then put on hold briefly in which he's internally hoping that this phone call results in a mutual agreement...

Brunet: "Ms. Le Roux. Detective Brunet here". 

Le Roux: "Hello detective. I was going to call to inform you that a court date for the 10th has been set".

Brunet: "That's only a week away so that's great news". 

Le Roux: "Yes it is but since you called first I sense you need to speak with me regarding this case". 

*brief pause*

Brunet: "Yes I do. I wanted to ask if there's any chance we can leave the recording of Mr. Ramos detailing the crime out of the trial". 

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