Chapter Nineteen: Turning Point

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After arriving home from the precinct where Larry had the difficult task of watching their little girl talk to someone who's essentially a stranger about her life with them Larry hardly said a word. Of course he told mama about it who was upset that it had to happen at all...but she also couldn't have been more proud of her. She even made Emma one of her favorite dinners from her grandmere for being her wonderfully brave girl. Larry wanted to take his mind off of it by doing things around the house such as cleaning and taking care of the babies in between but since he was released from the hospital the day before mama insisted that he rest. She took care of everything including bringing him dinner and anything else he needed. Larry always listens to mama...but he also didn't want to be in bed all day because he knew that it would only lead the way to thinking about watching Emma in that room and how much he misses his husband. While he's also extremely proud of Emma it did make his heart drop when he heard her talk about Kaylee. They were the best of friends and the sad look on her face when she explained that she's an angel now was another level of pain. These last several weeks have been beyond painful and he doesn't want to think about the number of nights it's been without Laurent. He misses him so much that he was sure he felt him in bed so his eyes popped open and he turned his head to see if he was there. He knew beforehand that he wasn't but he couldn't resist. He spoke to Laurent later that day and told him what the crooked detective requested and he was was livid. It's one thing to come after him but to involve their child was upsetting. But, just like Larry he's very proud of her for doing so well. To have such amazing strength at such a tender age makes both of them so proud to be her papas. Detective Brunet called to inform him and mama that he arranged for them to visit Laurent today and Larry for sure wants to see him though seeing him behind that glass shield will hurt a lot...but he can't imagine not visiting his love upon the opportunity to do so. Mama is going first while Larry stays with the kids and as much as Laurent wants to see them too he doesn't want them to see him in such a place. Brunet still makes sure that he gets his phone calls home so even though he can't see Emma he can still talk to her. Larry even puts Ayden on the phone and it's so adorable hearing him coo at the sound of Laurent's voice speaking to him in his soft baby voice. Shortly after breakfast mama gave them hugs then told them she would be back in an hour or so. Now that she's arrived she's stunned at the process for visiting from emptying pockets to checking purses. She certainly understands procedure. It's just something she's never experienced before and it infuriates her because she can only imagine how they're treating Laurent since they really believe that he's a criminal. She succeeds in holding back her emotions, mostly anger, at the thought of it and focuses on her visit with him. She's led to the room where a long row of seats are with connecting phones and when she sits down she has to wait a minute for Laurent to be brought out. It's the longest minute of life but finally he does and she nearly gasps at how much thinner he is. She deduces that the food isn't so great but she also wonders if he's able to eat at all because of the stress of not only being here but being away from the people he loves the most. Laurent sees his amazing mama and the emotion is instant. He's slow to sit down as he just looks at her with the most heartbreaking expression. He takes the phone receiver off the base prompting mama to do the same and even when the phones hit their ears it's a moment of silence before either of them can say anything. Laurent will be the first to break the silence and it's with the most simple yet loving words...

Laurent: "I miss you so much mama". 

Mama: "I miss you too my son". 

Laurent: "I need to be home. I didn't know it could hurt so much being away from all of you". 

Mama: "I know it hurts you my love. The detective is still certain that he can get you out of here. I don't know what he's doing but I pray every day that it works". 

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