Chapter Fourteen: In Loving Memory

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The sun is shining and the greenery among the grounds along with the blue sky and white clouds under the sun are offensively bright and cheerful. It's as if these elements have conspired to show the Bourgeois family how the world will go on without Kaylee. It shouldn't and everything should be as dark as their emotions. It should be cold and damp with silent air...but the birds are still chirping and the flowers are still in full bloom. This is the day where their sweet Kaylee is being laid to rest and over the past few days there's been an unrelenting sick feeling in their stomachs as they've simultaneously hoped that the day wouldn't come so quickly as they aren't ready to say goodbye. They have imagined what the service will be like and it shatters another piece of them with each thought. Those among the attendees who may struggle to hold back their grief. Others who won't hold back at all as their tears flow silently yet steadily down their immobile faces. The Bourgeois family sitting on the front pew and experiencing those same emotions...the insides of them numb as they listen to words from the minister as well as tributes from those who loved Kaylee. Those words being so well spoken and so filled with love that they bring a fresh onslaught of tears. The service followed by the burial and walking behind the small casket with tear stained eyes as they gaze at the roses on top...their minds knowing that it will really be the end though their souls being unwilling to acknowledge the finality of death...never to look upon her face again to see her smile, feel her embrace, see the warmth in her eyes and no longer being surrounded by her love in the physical sense. Explaining to Emma that they're saying goodbye to her today was just as hard as explaining her transitioning into an angel. Though she ultimately understood the concept her expression read a deep sadness that hurt her papas to see. The driver that will take them to the church will arrive soon and since awakening there's been mostly silence and movement has been solemn, as expected. Since Larry's emotional breakdown he hasn't had another though it's hard not to and now he's worried about his love. Laurent always tries to be the strong one even though he's for sure in as much turmoil as they all are over losing Kaylee. When he and Larry were in bed last night Larry sweetly reminded him that it isn't necessary to keep his emotions all bottled in because of his need to be the rock for the family even though he loves him even more for it. He knows his love well so he knows that at some point Laurent will have a major breakdown. Possibly at the service or sometime thereafter. Of course Larry will be there for him whenever it takes place. Clad in all black suits they're currently sitting at the kitchen table. Laurent's focus is down and Larry's focus is on none other than his love. Eventually his eyes lower as well when this extremely hard to grasp realization comes back again. He didn't even realize tears had fallen until he sees drops on the table beneath him. Mama is in Emma's room getting her ready. She's talked to Emma about today to make sure she understands. They've always said that mama has a way of explaining things and when they were walking down the hallway after getting dressed they stopped just outside of Emma's room to listen. Mama explained that the service today will include everyone who loved Kaylee coming together to remember what an amazing girl she was. She also explained that everyone will be sad because she's not with us anymore but that everyone does find comfort in the fact that she's a beautiful angel in heaven now who will continue to be with us in spirit everyday. When mama softly asked her if she understands Larry and Laurent who were already emotional simply listening to the heartfelt exchange smiled through their tears when she replied, "yes grandmere" in her sweet voice. Emma has been their big, strong girl from the moment Kaylee went missing and while she seemingly understands everything it crushes them that she won't see her sister anymore. When they've seen her playing with certain toys or games that she shared with Kaylee...the smiles on their girls faces and the sweet laughter that belted from them they hurt even more. They are beside themselves as it pertains to the investigation because they want nothing more for this maniac to be caught. They last spoke with detective Brunet a couple of days ago who stated that they're still waiting for lab results from the evidence collected at the scene but assured them that he will keep them updated as new details in the case emerge. He also told them the autopsy is complete...but understandably they declined hearing the results as it would only lead them to think about their little girl's horrifying final moments because of this sick and demented non human. They can hardly contain their angst for the perpetrator to be found as they have to say goodbye to their baby girl whose life was senselessly taken. They try to push it to the back of their minds as they just want this day to be remembering life with her...but it's also conflicting because if it wasn't for this monster they wouldn't have to bury the daughter that has been and will always be a very big part of them. Their first born. Their first baby girl who they vividly remember bringing home then placing her in the bassinet and just watching her sleep. It was a love that they had never felt before. It was beautifully overwhelming and from that day to the next their love for her grew more as she brought them measureless joy. Through all of the memories flowing through Larry's mind he manages to raise his head and check the time. They still have some time before the driver arrives so he asks his love if he would like something to drink. He sweetly declines so Larry stands up and proceeds to get something for himself when they hear mama walk in. Larry turns around while Laurent looks up and right away they notice something in her hand. It's a small envelope so they look up at her in slight confusion. Larry then asks in a soft and curious voice, "what is that mama"? Mama who's visibly emotional but is also fighting hard to keep herself from crying looks down for a moment and when she looks back up she replies in a solemn voice, "it's a letter to Kaylee from Emma". The silence is instant as Larry and Laurent gulp in sync before their eyes lower to the envelope. They gaze at their little Emma's handwriting who wrote her sister's name in big, bold letters in the center. Their emotions now match that of mama's who's still struggling to hold back tears...but it proved to be far too difficult and in a shaky voice...

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