Chapter Twenty-One: After Effects

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With eyes at rest in the way of dreams, Larry and Laurent hear the steady rain. The percussion of the rainfall varies according to the surface that becomes drenched with it. There are the drums that are windows as the hard drops hit against them at a rhythmical beat. The cymbals that are the concrete grounds form puddles in some areas signaling that it isn't just a light rain but a heavy downpour and the soft maracas that are the music of the grass. The road becomes alive with splashes when the cars belonging to their neighbors whisk by as they head for their destinations. Laurent is usually the first one to open his eyes just so he can gaze at Larry. He's practically trained himself to awaken when he knows his love is still sleeping ever so peacefully and he wants moments to stare at the breathtaking creature before his yes...but this morning is different. Since they've been apart for far too many heart wrenching days to count both sets of eyes open in sync with their first sight being each other. Larry spent each morning his love was locked away looking at the empty space as he wondered when he would be able to see those gorgeous eyes again and desperately hoping that he wouldn't have to be confined to that cell for a month. Being unable to touch his love or hold him at night for all the days that he's been away away were hard enough and it still hurts. He couldn't imagine Laurent going to trial and being berated by the prosecution for a crime that it should have been plain to see from the start he didn't commit. Staring at that empty space every night and every morning only magnified the hurt as well as the disbelief that all of this was happening. But, this morning his heart is much happier. Laurent's eyes are groggy but they have never been more beautiful than they are right now and he's looking at Larry as if he could just take him in his arms followed by another intensely beautiful moment of making love. Feeling Laurent make love to him so passionately last night was magical and there were moments where his eyes rolled to the back of his head because of how amazing it felt. As Larry looks at him now he's thinking about every single second and now he's unable to resist extending his hand to Laurent's face to gently touch his cheek. The moment he begins a smooth caress Laurent's eyes close...but it isn't long before he's connecting with him again and flashing his love a small smile. He then takes a gentle grasp of Larry's hand to bring to his mouth and place several kisses to the palm of it...never breaking eye contact. Larry smiles groggily but sweetly whilst melting into the sensation of those tender kisses. Suddenly there's a light crash of thunder but it seems to just fit this tender moment between them. The silence is ultimately broken by Larry...

Larry: *smile* "Looks like it's going to be a day spent inside". 

Laurent: *smile* "Yeah but that's oki. We have the babies and mama". 

Larry: *smile and wink* "And each other", he whispers. 

Laurent softly chuckles and now there's an unexpected roar of thunder. They aren't bothered by it but it does scare Emma out of her sleep which they did expect as she's never liked the thunder and they can now hear her calling out in a frightened but sweet whimper, "papas". Laurent whispers, "I'll go" so Larry nods then watches his love get out of bed and head straight for her room. Laurent was in such a rush to get to Emma he didn't notice that a certain look has struck Larry's face. It's because of the way Emma called for them. It was the same way he heard Kaylee call for them in that nightmare he had about her abduction. Now his mind is going back to that day and the inescapable fear that she must have had. Every day thereafter was gut wrenching and the painful reminder of it causes tears to brim his eyes and after allowing a few of them to fall he wipes his face as he realizes that Laurent will be bringing Emma any moment now. He's surprised that the loud crash of the thunder hasn't awakened Ayden as he doesn't hear him over the monitor but he decides to head for the nursery to check and see if he's still asleep. A little further down the hall Laurent has arrived at Emma's room and she has the cover over her head. Now next to her he looks down at the blanket over her and softly tells her, "it's oki my love". Emma quickly sits up then extends her arms for him to pick her up. Laurent does exactly that and she wastes no time wrapping her arms around him to hold on. Laurent rubs her back as he whispers again to her that it's ok and as he turns around to leave the room he hears that little voice whimper...

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