Chapter 1~ Arrival

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Lance's POV—

It was 11:30 a.m. and Lance had finally arrived (via community spacecraft) at Kerberos College, an elite post- secondary school for space fighters, pilots and engineers. He was stoked to finally be there, all his hard work and studying all paying off to become the worlds most famous pilot. Only fifty young adults get accepted every year, so the entrance exam is very difficult- different for each individual depending on what they plan to pursue.

Lance was standing in front of the most prestigious college to ever exist. And, he was there with his best friend, Hunk. He was going to become an engineer.

Hunk put his hand on Lance's shoulder, "we're finally here, dude! You excited?"

"Hell yeah I am! Oh man, this gonna be great! I wonder who I'm dorming with." Lance walked towards the entrance in his clunky space suit. "C'mon! Let's go in!"

The two boys raced in the middle of the huge crowd of other students towards the front of the giant college in space. They got inside along with the rest of the people and took off their spacesuits in a contained, air tight room, revealing their true senses of style. Once finished, they looked for their names on the dorm assignment sheets. Lance's was on the fourth floor in room 409, and Hunk's was two doors down, 411. They grabbed their keys and got ready to race up the stairs together, knowing their luggage would be in there already.

Upon whipping the door to the stairwell open, Lance hit another student with it and slammed them both into the bottom of the stairs.

"Dude!" The student yelled, wiping blood from his nose. He got the full blunt force of Lance charging through the door and hit the stairs first. "What the hell?!"

Lance observed the angry, mildly handsome boy before him. He wore a bright red coat and black skinny jeans. "Sorry, I didn't see you in here, heh..."

Hunk offered them both a hand to get up, to which Lance gladly took, but the raven haired boy stood up on his own. Lance brushed himself off and apologized again.

"Yeah, whatever," the boy said, wiping his nose again. He brushed past Lance's shoulder and left the staircase, leaving the two friends with a pretty stuck up first impression.

"He's not worth our time. Let's get to our dorms I guess." Hunk and Lance bolted up the stairs, past a few chatting students and all the way up to the fourth floor.

They burst through the stairwell door into a small, futuristic hallway. Hunk was out of breath with his hands on his knees and Lance was heaving large breaths, both sweating from the race up eight flights of stairs. They walked down the hall, reading each dorm number as they passed it.

"406, 407, 408, ah! 409! I'm here." Lance called to Hunk, who was trailing behind.

"Cool, I'm just down the hall, then!" He jogged to catch up and passed Lance to his dorm. "See you at dinner?"

Lance gave a thumbs up, "See yah then!"

They both swiped their fancy keycards and unlocked the doors to a clean, futuristic dorm room with an open living room, kitchen and a small hallway to two bedrooms and a bathroom.

"Wow!" Lance marvelled at the sight before him, closing the door and dropping his keycard on the kitchen's island. There was a short but wide rectangular window beside the T.V. and in front of the kitchen. He stood and stared out at the stars through the particle barrier of oxygen that now re- encased the college. He sighed and immediately heard a knock on the door. He heard a few voices of students in the hall and assumed his roommate had arrived. He skipped over to the door, happy to meet the future friend on the other side. Almost at the door handle, it turned and the door swung open, hitting Lance square in the face.

He groaned as he felt blood trickle from his nose, and looked up to see the familiar face of the person in the doorway.

"Guess were even now, hey," he said. It was the raven haired boy from the stairs.

Lance chuckled at the fact they had both gotten nosebleeds on the first day- from each other, for that matter- and stood across from one another holding their noses.

Lance moved to the side and let the boy in. "The name's Lance, what about you?"


"Not very talkative, hey?"

"You slammed me into a staircase and gave me a bloody nose in the first hour. I'm a little annoyed you're my roommate," he said bluntly.

He's got a temper, Lance noted in his mind. "Well, we have a kitchen sink and a bathroom sink. Take your pick."

Keith already started for the bathroom sink, away from Lance. "I'll take this one," he muttered before he opened and closed the door.

Lance grumbled and walked over to the sink in the kitchen. He took away his hand and blood dripped onto the metal inside. He turned on the tap and scrubbed at his upper lip and nose until the water ran clear. Keith came out of the bathroom while Lance was still hunched over the sink, and scared him with a tap on the shoulder.

"I forgot to apologize. Y' know, for giving you a bloody nose," he looked away from Lance, who was now standing upright.

"Don't sweat it, man," Lance said, "like you said, now we're even."

"Sure," Keith walked over to the living room and hopped onto the sofa. He kicked his feet up onto the ottoman and leaned back with one arm on the back of the couch and one by his side. "Not bad," he mumbled.

Lance came away from the kitchen sink, all cleaned up. He glanced down at Keith's sleeve, "Hey, did your sleeve get all bloody?"


"I could take it down the hall to the laundry room if you want...?"

Keith glanced over at him in disbelief, with a hint of surprise. "Only if it's fine with you."

He nodded and Keith slid off his crop- top coat. Lance took it and giggled, holding it up in front of him. "Why is it so short?!" He snickered.

"I thought you were gonna take it down to the laundry room, not make fun of it."

"Sorry, sorry, I'm leaving," he snorted one last time before he left the dorm. Passing several groups of boys standing around open doors, he examined the cuff of Keith's coat while walking (not the brightest idea) and noticed the large blood stain on the white fabric. That's gonna be hard to get out, Lance thought. He looked up from the coat and continued down the corridor to find a small room labelled 'LAUNDRY'. He pushed open the door, secretly hoping he wouldn't have to explain a blood stain to anyone. Yeah, I unintentionally gave my roommate a bloody nose by ramming him into the bottom of a staircase on the first day. Not the happiest story. Luckily, the room was empty, just a couple washers and dryers, laundry detergent and even luckier- stain remover.

Lance rubbed the remover into the bloody fabric and tossed it into the washer. He made sure to not overdo it with the soap, and he made a mental note to come back later and transfer it.

He strode down the hall back to his dorm and into his bedroom. His bags were all placed in a corner, by a closet and a black dresser. The bed was but a queen mattress and a frame, blank, and Lance was ready to change that. He opened one of his larger bags, unleashing a giant, fluffy, icy blue blanket onto the floor. It had an obnoxiously large logo of a pop band on it. Beneath it was the fitted sheet and he set it up on his bed swiftly. After topping it with a pillow, Lance jumped into the middle and sighed loudly, enjoying the soft blanket beneath him.

Within seconds, his eyes closed and he passed out cold, unintentionally.

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