Chapter 11~ Wrestling

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Lance's POV—

Keith and Lance were laughing and wrestling on the floor, Keith trying to grab Lance's hand from on top of him. Lance was resisting whole- heartedly because Keith was trying to open his phone with his fingerprint.

Suddenly, they both froze when they heard the door slide open.

"Oh..." Shiro stood stiff in the doorway. "I... didn't mean to interrupt anything..."

"No, no no no, that's not what this is," Keith tried to explain, blushing hard at what Shiro was implying.

"He's trying to make me open my phone for him, but I'm not letting him!" Lance glared playfully at Keith who looked back at him.

"I'm deleting that photo!" Keith shouted, beginning to wrestle him again.

"Well, I just came to see how Keith was doing..." Shiro walked further into the dorm and chuckled as he watched the two boys duel on the floor. "Seems like he's feeling better now."

"Yeah- hey!" Lance said through broken laughs as Keith almost pinned one of his hands down.

"I'd be better if I knew Lance's phone didn't have a gross picture of me on it!" Keith said as he continued to grab for Lance's flailing arms. "Give up!"


Shiro chuckled. "Well, I also came to ask if you're both coming to the party later."

"Sure thing, but one- ahhh!" Keith ducked as Lance swung for his face. "One question!"


"How long is it sup-" he grumbled. "Give up!!"

"No! I want that photo!"

"How long does it go till?" Keith asked hastily as he finally got one of Lance's arms on the ground. He put his knee over it to stabilize it and Lance shrieked.

"Nooooo!!!" He squirmed beneath Keith and tried to escape.

"Uhh, probably midnight, I guess. Really, you can leave whenever." Shiro laughed again at the scene before him. He just watched as they brawled.

"Ugh, gimme your hand already!" Keith brought the bottom of the phone to Lance's hand, but it curled into a fist before he could get the finger on the button.

"Like I said, never!!" Lance laughed as he tried to pull his phone back. "Can I at least see it one more time?"

"It's a forbidden photo now! No!" Keith pulled the phone out of Lance's reach and giggled again. "I'm not stopping until it's gone forever!"


Keith put a hand over Lance's mouth and reached for his other arm. Lance made a squeal from behind the palm as he squirmed to try to get away.

Failing in the end, Keith got Lance's phone open, and he accepted defeat.

"Aha!" Keith shouted triumphantly as he erased the photo twice. "Gone."

"Awww!" Lance whined. Keith was still sitting on top of him and he struggled beneath him. "Can you let me go now?"

"I guess so," Keith smiled as he knelt off of Lance, and he rolled far enough away as to not be caught again.

Keith's POV—

The timer for the oven went off conveniently as Lance stood up, and he pulled the tray of hash brown patties out with a small towel from the sink. He placed it on the stove and leaned over the island to see Keith sitting back on a stool and Shiro coming over, too.

"Seems like you guys are pretty much fine on your own, then. I best be off." Shiro smiled and exited the dorm.

Keith put his head in his hands. "I'm already bored again." He sighed.

Lance chuckled, "of course you are. The only thing that keeps you busy is sleeping and apparently wrestling."

"Nuh- uh! I train a lot when I'm bored!" Keith defended.

"Sure, but how often does it end in a tackle?"

Keith looked away. "Maybe a lot..."

"Exactly!" Lance stood up straighter and crossed his arms as if he'd won the world. "Again, I was still right."

"Whatever," Keith blushed. Lance was so cocky sometimes, it was cute.

Lance turned around and pulled out a couple plates and filled them both with a few hash brown patties. He handed one to Keith and he sat down beside him with his.

They ate in silence until Lance pulled out his phone. He tapped it a little and Keith's phone buzzed.

Keith chuckled exasperatedly, but checked his phone anyways.

Unknown Number- hi~

Keith changed the contact name and texted back.

Keith- hi?

Lance- how r u?

Keith- why r we doing this? You're sitting right beside me

Lance- so? Might as well text for fun

Keith chuckled and shook his head as he ate more of his hash browns.

Keith- Well then, I'm fine, how r u?

Lance- fabulous! I'm excited for the party later

Keith- me too

Lance- I'm gonna hang with all the ladies~

Keith- have fun with that. I'll probably be with Shiro and Adam the whole time

Lance- what about Pidge Matt Hunk and Allura? They're ur friends

Keith- yeah, but Pidge can be a bit...
-And it's still a little strange to be around them cuz I don't really know them

Lance- you'll get used to it.
-Let's just hope she hasn't written any fanfiction yet

Keith- I forgot about that

Lance- pssshhhhh it'll be fine!

Keith- Well let's hope for now.
-I don't feel like being read dirty bed time stories anytime soon

Lance- that'd be fun tho!

Keith- please no

Lance- maybe another time lol

Keith- or never

As Keith and Lance finished their meal, they washed the dishes and went into their separate rooms to relax until the party.

Keith decided to snuggle in his bed and watch anime while Lance searched through his bags to hang all his clothing up and find something nice to wear for going out.

Lance's POV—

"This shirt is too... much," Lance said holding a navy blue band t- shirt. "And this is too formal." He held a blue collared button up beside it.

He rummaged through his bags, hanging things up here and there. He pulled out a red and blue plaid shirt that seemingly fit loosely and he found some comfy blue jeans to wear. He decided on that as a simple but classy outfit.

He smiled into the mirror as he did up his shirt. "Everyone gonna be all over me once I get into my zone! I'll be irresistible!" He laughed and flopped onto his bed. It finally had his fluffy blanket on it again and it warmed him and reminded him of home.

Keith's POV—

Keith could hear laughter through the walls and it almost made him chuckle. Wonder why he's laughing so much. Almost sounds maniacal.

He pulled his blanket over his head and put in his earbuds. As his show started, he got to seriously relax for the first time that week.

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