Chapter 9~ Repairs

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"Maybe Lance likes you back~"

Silence loomed over their table as the others stared at Pidge in disbelief. The rest of the caf continued being loud, but it seemed to just be a murmur as Keith's hearing faded in and out in his perplexity.

These are my friends, right? I thought they'd be more... subtle, or at least care a bit more. Why do they even care in the first place? Can't they just forget it? But... why... does it hurt so much?

Can't they tell it'll never happen?

"—Pidge... don't think... should've...Keith!" All he could hear was mumbled words from his friends as he tried to stand.

I have to get out of here.

He got up silently and walked towards the exit hastily. He couldn't hear anything and he just carried himself out of the cafeteria as fast as he could. He felt mildly scared, all the people that might be watching him, his friends probably thinking he'd gone insane, but he couldn't stop. He could feel the exhaustion tug at him, but he kept going.

Lance might like me back. Lance might not like me back. What's happening to me right now? I don't want to leave everyone, but it hurts. Where am I even going?

Keith left the cafeteria and started up the stairs. He gripped onto the railing as he went up and he felt like all his bones were grinding. He was running at this point, trying to get as far away from the caf as possible.

What's going on? I'm so confused, my mind is spinning. I feel bad for leaving everyone, but Pidge's remark... stood out. Lance likes everyone, how would I even know if he did like me? Or if it was anything more than just cuddling and bad pick- up lines. Why is it so complicated?

Keith felt his face go hot. His vision blurred and he couldn't even tell he was crying. He kept on going up the stairs at an unreal pace.

No... this isn't about Lance. Not really... he's fine...

My friends... were never my friends in the first place anyways. I don't care about what they say, right? They just screw with my mind. It's all they ever do...

He entered his dorm and ended up in Lance's bedroom. Luckily, Lance wasn't anywhere in the dorm to see this happen. Keith was heaving from running so fast, and he had tired himself out. He held his hands on his knees as he struggled to regain his breath.

I have to escape...

He fell to his knees in broken sobs and heavy breathing.

Why did I come in here... Dammit. Slowly his vision faded and all he could see was black, all he felt was cold.

Lance's POV—

Lance walked into his dorm and slid his bag off his shoulder. He stretched a little and noticed his bedroom door was cracked open. He hesitantly walked over to it.

A small yelp escaped his lips when he opened the door to see Keith laying on his stomach smack in the middle of his floor.

He knelt down cautiously and turned Keith onto his back. What in the worl- what on Kerberos?

Lance slowly tapped Keith's face to hopefully wake him up. He had the boys head on his lap and tried to do anything he could to get him to open his eyes.

"Keith?" He almost shouted, in hopes he'd hear it. Lance started to panic. He picked Keith up bridal style and put him onto his bed, and he grabbed his blue blanket from Keith's room and lay it over top of his roommate.

"Keith...?" He whispered from the side of the bed. Maybe he passed out after his class, but that doesn't explain why he was in my room. Unless he was looking for me, but still. Why would he be looking for me? Why would he pass out?!

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