Chapter 17~ Griffin

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A/N: some mild language in this chapter, as we hath caught a hater of thy Klance. I wonder who it is... :)

Lance's POV—

After falling asleep early the previous day, Lance had awoke much before Keith had, and he was pinned down by his boyfriend. He silently scrolled his phone, careful not to wake Keith, and eventually, he shifted atop him.

"M'nin." He mumbled through Lance's shirt.

"Morning, babe~" Lance said as he rubbed Keith's arm.

Keith pulled his face away from Lance's chest and looked up at him with half- closed eyes. "What time is it?"

Lance snickered, seeing the crazy bedhead his roommate wore. "Eight thirty. How about we make some breakfast?"

"Mnn, I feel like going to the caf today, is that okay?" Keith asked, sitting back and rubbing his tired eyes.

"Sure thing. Easier than making food, that's for certain."

"Okay." Keith's voice was low and mumbled, and Lance pressed a kiss to his cheek.

He looked up at him in a hazy, confused manner.

"I can't help it. I love loving you~" Lance cooed.

Keith and Lance walked into the cafeteria, fingers intertwined and Keith still mildly groggy from sleeping. They made their way to their usual table, seeing everyone there but Shiro and Adam. They sat down, still holding hands under the table, and Pidge stopped her conversation with Matt to acknowledge them.

"Oh, hi lovers~" she mewled. She eyed Keith's exposed neck, and spotted small purple and red marks dotted all over. Her face filled with an ear to ear cheeky smile.

"Hey," Keith mumbled.

"Anything new?" Lance asked, hoping to be accepted into the already running conversations.

"Well, there's supposed to be a drill for the first years today... I dunno if that's happening or not." Hunk said.

"I suppose we should be ready for it anyways." Allura added.

"What kinda drill?" Keith asked, resting his head on Lance's shoulder.

"Well, it's for missions and stuff. We have to go out to an actual abandoned Galra base to collect info. Or rather, a supposedly abandoned base. Why would we need just under a hundred fighters for a place without enemies?" Matt observed. "It seems like overkill to me."

"Maybe just in case? If it once was a big deal, maybe people might be guarding it or something. It is a drill, after all. It has to be as real as possible." Hunk said.

"Yeah, hopefully you two'll be on the same plane!" Pidge squeaked.

"What is it with you, Pidge? Can't we just be a normal thing now?" Lance asked, gesturing to him and Keith. "I mean, I know it's only been like a day, but your attitude around us is seriously creepy."

"So you say," Pidge snickered. "But I wanna savour every Klance moment I see!"

"Back to the drill," Hunk interrupted hastily, hoping to not get too into their relationship and Pidge's obsession with it. He earned a huff, but continued. "Where are you stationed Lance? What ship?"

"Uh, I think, like, seven or something. I'll see when I get there."

Keith picked his head up and faced his friends, as if finally realizing something. "Doesn't that mean people could actually get hurt?"

The table fell silent, despite the rest of the noise. Everyone looked deep in thought, but Lance knew it was a possibility the second it was mentioned.

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