Chapter 2~ Settling In

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Keith's POV—

"Lance." Keith was on his knees by Lance's bed.

"Lance!" He shouted, trying to wake him up.

"Lance! Get up! We're gonna be late!" Lance rolled onto his side and opened his eyes, now facing Keith.

He scrambled backwards as he realized how close their faces were. "Geez, I'm up," he huffed.

"Fix your hair and let's go, or we'll be late for dinner and orientation."

"First of all, what's wrong with my hair, and second of all, you could've gone by yourself, don't get mad at me if we're late."

"Well, you have a mad bed head and would you rather have me leave and let you miss everything?"

"Good point."

"Hurry up, let's go," Keith said as he walked to the door, "by the way, nice bedding. It matches your personality. Over the top."

Keith chuckled at an exasperated gasp from behind him and continued out the door.

Lance got up and followed Keith out the door, all while running his fingers through his messy hair in an attempt to fix it. They jogged down the stairs, passing a few students on the way down.

"Hey Shiro, Adam!" He waved at his friends as he and Lance continued down the steps. They waved back and continued chatting.

"You know them?!" Lance gaped when Keith looked back at him.

"Yeah, why?"

"Shiro's like the best pilot ever! He's like my hero!"

"Oh." Keith didn't know Shiro was famous- to a degree.

They reached the bottom of the staircase and Keith stopped Lance. "C'mon."

"What-" Keith reached up and flattened out Lance's hair. It was still pointed up in several directions, and he didn't feel like being seen with someone who didn't even know how to fix his own hair. He noticed Lance staring at his eyes, almost as if admiring them.

"Um..." Keith muttered as he put his arms back to his sides, "yes...?"

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to stare," he walked off to the door, Keith then following behind.

They jogged over to the giant cafeteria full of people. Keith could see that Lance was looking for someone. "There! C'mon!" He was suddenly jerked away after Lance grabbed his wrist. They weaved through the overbearingly large crowd and stopped at a table in the middle of the large room.

Keith gulped and gazed at the amount of people around him. The room seemed to spin as the students chatted and moved about the caf.

"Keith?" Lance tapped him on the shoulder, "You okay?"

"Yeah, sorry, what?"

"I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Hunk." He pointed to a heavyset guy sitting at the table who smiled warmly at him. Keith tried to smile back, but he was nervous.

Lance sat down, pulling Keith along beside him. Hunk and Lance continued introductions, but Keith wasn't listening. He watched as hundreds of young adults swarmed around him with no clear destination. He felt sweat trickle down the side of his face and he felt a lump grow in his throat.

He hated crowds.

"Keith!" Lance snapped him back. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, just a bit... never mind." He wasn't about to go telling everyone his fears. "Who's who?"

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