Chapter 20~ Stars

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A/N: here's some special art (not mine btw) that goes with this chapter!

Keith's POV—

After Keith's last class of the day, he and Lance were sitting in their living room waiting for lights out. At that time, the particle barrier around the school went transparent, and it would be the best time to go stargazing.

"Look!" Lance said, pointing out the small window in their dorm. "The barrier's going away!"

"Not technically," Keith snickered. "Let's go!"

The two boys ran up the empty staircase to the roof of the college, hand in hand. They burst the door open and marvelled at the starry skies.

"Wow," Keith stared up in awe. "It's... really beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you~" Lance cooed, hugging Keith from behind.

"I walked right into that one, didn't I?" Keith blushed, cuddling into Lance's arms.

"You bet." Lance let go and lay down on the cold surface carefully, looking up at Keith. "Come on."

Keith lay down beside him, and Lance pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Know any of these constellations?" Keith asked, still amazed by the stars.

"Some... I cant really point them out well, though. I only know their names."

They both chuckled and sighed, taking in the silence around them as an opportunity to finally relax.

"I'm really glad we went to that party." Keith started, slightly blushing.

"Oh? Because?"

"Well," Keith paused, burying most of his face into Lance's side. "Because now I can love you freely~"

"I think it was the alcohol we should be thanking for that." Lance smiled.

"I still can't believe that happened. I'm embarrassed I made you do it."

"Don't apologize. To be completely honest, it was really great."

Keith made a flustered noise into Lance's shirt. "I know..."

"Well, I guess I still can use that 'never have I ever' idea." Lance said through a chuckle.


"Well, I didn't exactly leave with a date, but I got a date out of it."

Keith chuckled. "That's what you're worried about?"

"Well, it was my best one!"

They laughed for a while, reminiscing on times they spent together.

"So, when we kissed in the caf, why did you run away?" Lance asked, starting up a new topic.

"Oh, I was insanely flustered. Like, I knew you were cute and flirty and all, but I never would've begun to think about sharing a kiss with you." Keith grinned uncontrollably. "I couldn't bare for you to think I might like you by seeing how flustered I was. Knowing you, you never would've let me hear the end of it."

"Yeah right! I was almost sad that you left me! I was thinking 'well of course he didn't want to kiss me, it was so out of the blue!"

"Well, I went back to the dorm and basically had a panic attack from how flustered I was. Luckily Shiro came in and helped me."

"Awww! I should've gone back sooner then. Sorry I couldn't. I was still trying to get myself together, in my defence." He pressed a small kiss to his forehead.

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