Chapter 19~ The Injured

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A/N: ha I didn't realize when I double spaced some of the paragraphs (signifying a time gap), it didn't show in reader mode... I'll try to fix it. Alsooooooo thanks sooooo much for over 600 total reads!! I literally expected this book to have one person reading it, and that was because they told me to post it in the first place, so thanks again you guys! <3

Keith's POV—

"Everyone, turn left and the control area should be there," the co- pilot said through everyone's helmet intercoms. Keith nodded to himself and followed the now smaller group of fighters down the corridor. They had stationed others throughout the base to monitor movement and the battle cruisers outside.

As they approached the destination, the base shook, offsetting everyone's balance. They flew through the entrance carefully, pulling up to a large panel full of scorched and broken equipment.

"Alright. Connect a few of your gauntlets to the inputs on there and I can start extracting information remotely-" Rizavi said, her end of the intercom shutting off before she could finish.

Keith stood watch as a few others started connecting to the panel. He glanced around, spotting many floating centuries, all seemingly out of commission. He held his sword defensively as the fighters neared the control area murmured to each other.

"We're almost done," one of them exclaimed. The base shook violently again, sending Keith sideways in the zero- g. He struggled to keep himself steady and he noticed a strange light from his peripheral vision. He turned to face it quickly, and noticed one of the centuries had activated, and it was choosing where to aim.

"Watch out!" Keith shouted as the century shot towards the small huddle. They dispersed and used their jet packs to fly towards the exit with Keith.

"Perfect timing!" One of the girls smiled. "We got the info!"

"Everyone!" Lance had activated the comms and sounded like he was panicking. "Please, come back to the ship as soon as possible! We're under attack!"

A few of them murmured, but they continued flying back to their ship, collecting the small patrols they had left around.

They made it back to where the ship was docked, and saw the surface had been severely scorched.

Keith flew into the ship ahead of the others, immediately worried about Lance.

"Lance?!" He shouted as he entered the main hold. He was stumbling towards the door to the cockpit, still getting used to being under gravity again.

The door to the cockpit opened, revealing his boyfriend. He ran and enveloped Keith in a hug, wincing slightly as his burn was touched. "Thank goodness you're safe!"

"What happened to you?" Keith exclaimed, noticing the burn across the front of his torso.

"It's... it's fine. We need to get out of here, fast!" He looked out over the rest of there group that had just entered. "Everyone buckle in!"

Lance's POV—

Lance entered the cockpit once again, taking a seat in front of the wheel. "We still cleared for flight?"

"We're stable enough. Steering may be a slight issue, but we should still be fine." Leifsdottir reported.

"Perfect." Lance gripped the wheel with a grin on his face. Hopefully I'm the only one with injuries.

They pulled out of their landing spot and signalled the professor.

"Data acquired!" Rizavi smiled.

"Perfect. Report back to Kerberos right away."



After a decently short journey back to the school, Lance was starting to feel the intense sting from the burn on his stomach. He landed the ship carefully in the hangar, and breathed heavily once he could relax.

"We should get you to the infirmary as soon as we can, Lance," Rizavi said. She lead him and Leifsdottir into the hold where the rest of the students were stepping out.

As Lance hopped onto the floor of the large room, he scanned the faces for his boyfriend. I hope he's okay! I didn't get a good look at him earlier. I hope he isn't hurt!

He managed to find Keith's distinct hair and the side of his face, but was kept from going to him by Rizavi's tight grip on his wrist. He grumbled, but knew it was for the best, since he was in quite a lot of pain.

"Professor," she started, turned away from Lance. "May I have permission to take Lance down to the infirmary? His chest and stomach were grazed by a laser from one of he battle cruisers."

"Definitely. Get him rested up, and Lance," he looked to the distressed boy behind Rizavi. "I greatly appreciate all that you've done for us today. You did a great job out there, and I apologize for your injury."

"N-no worries," Lance stuttered, slightly shaking from the prickling sensation covering him. "I'll be f-fine."

Rizavi walked away with him tightly in hand, passing by Keith.

"Keith!" Lance whispered. "Meet me in the infirmary after this."

Keith nodded and was lost to the crowd as Lance made his way to the school infirmary.


"Oh my," the school nurse said, examining Lance's wound. "Not very deep, but very damaged. How'd you get yourself this burn, young man?"

"Um, I was grazed by a laser..." he mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

"And why was that?"

"I was out on a mission- well, a drill, and the engineer and I were trying to fix up an exterior part of the ship we took, and we were being shot at, and I got caught up in it."

"Hmm... shouldn't be too bad, but it'll take a while to heal properly. For the time being, be extra careful with abdomen movements." She grabbed some medical supplies which included a damp cloth and a cream of some sort.

Lance winced as the nurse carefully rubbed over the burn with the cool towel and applied cream to it.

"For now, we'll keep it wrapped up, but you'll have to change the gauze once or twice to keep it clean. Think you can do that?" She asked.

"Yeah. Thanks."

"Why don't you head back to your dorm and take the night off, alright? I'll give you a note for any classes you might miss. Here's a small kit of the cream to use, as well as some bandages."

"Thanks, a lot." Lance smiled as he took the note and box from her. He slowly exited the room and walked down the hall to go back to his dorm. I wonder if Keith made it here yet.

Upon entering the waiting area, Lance saw Keith sitting at one of the chairs. He had a leg crossed over the other, and his foot was fidgeting tirelessly.

"Hey, Keith." Lance smiled as Keith shot his head up at the sound of his voice.

"Lance!" He got up and hugged him, but pulled back almost immediately. "Sorry, I should've asked first, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Lance took Keith's hand in his and they walked up the stairs to their dorm.

"So, you get the night off?" Keith asked.

"Yup. The nurse told me to be careful with abdomen movements, but I'm good other than that. We can probably do something, if you want. Maybe head up to the roof and stargaze after dinner?" Lance looked over to see Keith's face flush with red.

"Yeah. I'd like that."

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