Chapter 18~ Mission

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Lance's POV—

Lance stepped out of the flight simulator with his head held high. Him and his co- pilot had successfully reached the coordinates required and finished swiftly.

"Now," The professor started. "Who can tell me what was good about this simulation?"

A hand shot up from the group. "They reached the end with minor exterior damage. They were also able to keep level headed when tension was high."

"Yeah, what about what they did wrong?"

Another hand shot up. "They flew too close to the surface. Being reckless like that on a planet with such high temperatures could've cost them the entire mission. The pilot also didn't double check the coordinates."

"Anyone else?"

"Well, the ship definitely could've sustained a lot more outer damage if it was really on a planet like that. They also didn't account for the fact that they still had to make it back out. They took advantage of the fact that it was a simulator."

"Perfect." He replied, putting up a finger. "The one issue we face most with you pilots is that you take advantage of the fact that you're inside a simulator, and if you fail, there won't be major consequences. Keep in mind this is to train you for when you are doing it for real, so don't rely on faking it all the time."

Those words rang through Lance's mind as he started up the controls in front of him. The engines rumbled alive, and he gripped the control wheel and breathed slowly.

Keith'll be fine. I'll be fine. We'll get back and be safe with no injuries. I won't completely destroy the ship. I hope...

"Relax a little, Lance." His co- pilot, Rizavi said. "It's just a drill."

"Just like it's just a simulator, or it's just training, or practice. We've got people going out on a real mission, now. Heck, my boyfriend's going out there! I have my reasons to be worried!" Lance whimpered.

"Make sure you're focused though, okay? We can't have our one ticket in and out of here frantically losing his mind." She smiled warmly and turned towards the control panel. "Don't worry, Keith'll be fine."

"Um, excuse me," the engineer asked from a chair behind them. "Are we going to leave with the rest of the fighter planes or not?"

"Yup. Just trying to get Lance's head on straight, Leifsdottir." Rizavi smirked. "Off we go, Lance!"

"Right." He nodded and pulled the ship off the ground carefully. He had to account for the others on the ship, which usually wasn't an issue in the simulators.

He flew out of the hangar with the rest of the fighter planes and pulled up the destination in front of him. Not going to forget this time.

Upon nearing the location, the small fleet of futuristic ships slowed to a halt. The abandoned base was broken, almost as if torn apart. Clearly it would be difficult for them to reach it, because, also spotted nearby, were several battle cruisers, ready to fire.

"This looks like..." Lance started, unable to finish his sentence.

"An ambush? Maybe they knew we were coming somehow." Rizavi continued.

"Our job is to get our fighters into that base. Make sure we don't die, alright?" Lance said, readying his grip to head towards the ship.

"Guns at the ready!" She confirmed. "Wait for the signal from the professor."

Lance stared at the device that would send him a flash of light. He felt a bead of sweat fall down the back of his neck, and he gripped the steering wheel tighter. This is real. We could get hurt. I can't let that happen. They're all counting on me. I don't know if I can do it. I have to keep them all safe. I have to bring them all back. Please, let this be easier than it looks.

Without a moments notice, a flash of white light shone from the device beside him and Rizavi. He nodded to himself and flew towards the base with the rest of the fighter planes. They were fast, and rightfully so, because several purple beams were being shot at them without mercy.

Lance maneuvered onto a landing spot carefully, and he got up to whip open the door to the fighters.

"Alright. Landed. Everyone, do your best." With that, every student unbuckled themselves and exited the hold. As Keith passed him, Lance gave him a peck on the cheek. Keith smiled, and walked off with the rest of them.

"Man, I hope he'll be okay." Lance muttered, so only he could hear.

"Alright Lance!" Rizavi called from her seat. Lance came back in and sat down. "Let's secure communications."

They clicked a few buttons, flipped a switch and they had access to everyone's intercoms inside their helmets.

"On the move," one of them said. There was noise of movement from everyone's comms and Lance waited tirelessly.

"Rizavi, what are we even getting out of this?" Lance asked nervously.

"Information. Training. Experience. You need to lighten up, Lance." She responded.

"We have a malfunction." Leifsdottir said from behind them.

"What?!" Lance asked frantically.

"In the back. One of those lasers must've hit us." She continued. "I'll need someone to come help."

"I'll go-" Rizavi started, being cut off by Lance stepping forward.

"I'll help! I'm the pilot after all. It was my fault." He walked towards Leifsdottir. "Let's hurry. Rizavi, focus on directing the fighters."

The two of them carefully flew out of the ship with a toolbox. They went to the back, where indeed one of the lasers had shot them. It wasn't very large, but the metal and wiring arrangement needed to be readjusted. 

While Leifsdottir pulled at wires, Lance held back other equipment to help her see. The base they were in shook many times, most likely being shot at because the enemy knew they were there.

Lance saw a brief flash of purple before doubling over, away from the engineer and crying out in pain.

"What?!" She turned back and saw a large burn across Lance's chestplate and stomach, and that the laser had been fired just above the ship they were trying to fix.

"How did it-" he stopped as another laser shot through a hole in the structure. It missed their plane again, but it was getting closer. Lance let go of his torso and grabbed the toolbox. "We need to contact the others!"

Leifsdottir agreed and they flew inside quickly. Lance slammed open the door, and Rizavi whipped her head around.

"What happened to yo-"

"Contact them all!" Lance started, adjusting to the gravity and faltering slightly. "We have to hurry, they're-"

The whole ship shook, making both people standing fall to the floor. Lance looked up at Rizavi with a terrified expression.

"What do we do?"

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