Chapter 10~ Sleep

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Lance's POV—

"Yeah, sorry, he's out cold still. He's had a rough while, so I was wondering if you'd be okay with excusing him from the lecture today..." Lance listened to the professor on the other end of the phone. He felt like he was a mom contacting her child's school to call in sick for them. Which, essentially, he was doing, just with Keith instead of his child. "Thank you so, so much, yes, I will, thanks a lot, bye." He ended the call and sighed. He had called the last of Keith's teachers to tell them he wouldn't be in and that he'd need to get caught up later. He also called his own teachers to tell them he was looking after Keith for the day.

A part of him was excited, not only to miss class, but also to be caring for Keith. It was better because Keith was essentially unconscious, so Lance could say whatever he wanted and do whatever he wanted to help, and Keith would never know. Another part of him, however, felt awkward and sorta silly for staying from class a whole day to take care of him. It's not like he would wake up halfway through the day, would he?

Ever since 1:30 p.m. the previous day, Keith had been passed out cold until 3:00 p.m. on Friday. Lance would check in here and there to see if he'd woken up, but there he was, still sleeping away in Lance's bed.

"You must've been pretty damn sleep deprived to sleep over 24 hours, man," Lance said as he sat on his bed beside Keith. He knew he was asleep, and probably couldn't hear him, but it was fun to talk to him anyways.

Lance liked to admire Keith's hair when he slept. He loved the way it looked and felt, it was soft and fluffy, and the way it was combed, it was long and shaped in a mullet. He twisted a small lock of his raven bangs around his finger and let it fall limp by his eyes.

Damn he's cute. This time he was the one to mentally slap himself. He isn't into me. I know that already. Give it up. Maybe this party is what I need, get all flirty with people and get my mind off of him. Why is it on him in the first place? It was one kiss that he hated. Totally not enough.

He felt his chest tighten. I am NOT going to cry, why the hell would I? Not happening.

Lance lay down beside the sleeping Keith and he clutched the fabric over his chest. He knew he wouldn't have a chance with him, and he'd have to move on. So that's what he was going to do. He'd rather have a friendship than no relationship at all, right?

"Keith," Lance said to the still air of his room. "Be happy so I can be happy. Okay?" He sighed and tried not to cry. He was working himself up over something he couldn't change. Crying wouldn't make it better. I'm so stupid, I shouldn't be ready to cry for no reason, c'mon.

Keith scared him when he rolled over, facing away from Lance and out into the room. Is he awake? Did he hear that? I hope he didn't, but I hope he did. Lance got up hastily and strode out the bedroom door.

"I think this should do it!" Hunk said, finally sealing up the vent that was open all day.

"Thanks for coming back and finishing with it. Hopefully it'll be easier to sleep in here now." Lance sighed of relief as he closed the door after Matt and Hunk left. Finally their dorm was actually warm, not freezing cold like the rest of space.

Keith's POV—

Keith had awoken to hearing muffled words from Lance, who was laying beside him. He couldn't distinguish any words except the last one, which sounded like a question. "Okay?"

Keith didn't answer, he didn't know what he'd be answering to, so he turned over and tried to stay asleep. Fortunately, he felt refreshed and unnaturally energetic from sleeping. He had no idea how long he'd been asleep, but he was glad he did.

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