Chapter 5~ Kiss??

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Lance's POV—

"Fine." Keith huffed.

What? I didn't think he'd really do it. I wasn't actually expecting him to-

Keith cupped his hands around Lance's face, standing on his toes. He leaned in close and his touch was soft, almost innocent.

Lance has shocked at first, with the unexpected contact, but enjoyed Keith's warm lips nonetheless. He could tell Keith was new at it, but he didn't mind. He lifted his hands and placed them behind Keith and guided him into a better standing position as he was straining himself from being on his toes. Keith moved his arms so his hands were cradling the back of Lance's head, fingers feeling though his hair.

Lance swiped his tongue across Keith's bottom lip hesitantly, hoping for closer contact that was easily embraced by the other. They melted into each others' touch and enjoyed every moment.

A tiny, muffled noise escaped Keith's lips through the kiss. It almost made Lance snicker, because it sounded like a cute moan.

Lance was high on the adrenaline in the moment, forgetting it was Keith he was kissing, his roommate he had no feelings for whatsoever. He was just melting into the contact and wishing it would never end. He wouldn't mind kissing Keith, really, but it never ceased to surprise him what he'd do to get someone to actually kiss him. Lance had longed for such connection for ages.

The kiss lasted longer than expected, and once Keith pulled back, ignoring the bit of saliva that connected them for a moment, he blushed hard and looked away. He put his fingers lightly over his lips in disbelief.

Keith's POV—

"Wow," Lance gaped. "I knew you were new, but man do you learn quick."

Keith tensed up and looked back at Lance's bright blue eyes. "I..." he searched for the right words. Wow, that was... unexpected. Amazing. No, weird. Passionate? Gross. But it wasn't. It felt... perfect. Damn my overly gay mind!! I'm not supposed to be into him! Stop standing there, you look stupid! Say something, dammit!

"Keith?" Lance snapped him out of his thoughts.

Keith's face was hot and he couldn't bring himself to speak. His throat was tight and his lungs felt like they were collapsing. The only thing he could think to do was run. And that he did, he booked it in the opposite direction searching for an exit. There was one close by, and he bolted out and went to the only place he knew of, his dorm. Not the best place, he could find me whenever he just walks back up here, but who cares!

He made it in though the front door and slammed it firmly behind him. He slid down the inner side and placed his face into his palms, riding his knees up to his chest.

"I suck!" He yelled to no one in particular. "I met the guy a day ago and kissed him! And liked it?!"

He was blushing furiously as he gripped at his hair. "Aaaghhhh, I'M SO STUPID!"

Lance's POV—

Keith bolted away from him and exited the caf, leaving him standing unaware of specifically why. He kissed me, what else did I expect? He couldn't possibly like it! Lance facepalmed knowing Keith was probably grossed out or angry at him. I probably went too far... but he still let me... I don't even know anymore.

"Damn it," he mumbled. He slowly made his way back to his table and it was silent. He put his face into his hands and listened to the breathing of his friends.

"I ship it," Pidge said nonchalantly.

Lance's face shot up at the nervous smiles of everyone at the table. Had they all watched him and Keith kiss?

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