Chapter 8~ Invitations

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Keith's POV—

Keith had been awake for a while, just laying there and thinking about his school life and about Lance. Speaking of Lance, he was snoring quietly behind Keith's neck and that almost made him chuckle. This macho, flirty man makes cute snoring noises in his sleep. He mentally slapped himself. He's not cute! You can't love him! He doesn't like you!

Keith sighed and he knew he'd have to get up sooner or later. Suddenly, his alarm started going off, vibrating the table beside him and waking Lance in the process.

"Mnnn, turn it off," he mumbled into Keith's hair. Lance snuggled his face into the crook of Keith's neck and squinted his eyes shut.

Keith stopped the alarm and put his arm to his side, "We have to get up y'know. My class starts in an hour."

"Mine doesn't." Lance mumbled. He tightened his grip around Keith. "Don't go, you're so warm!"

Keith sighed and tried to feign annoyance, when really, he didn't want to get up either. "Honestly, Lance. Get off." He tried to pry Lance's arms away from him, but he only tightened it more. "I have to shower!" He pulled his legs away and almost off the bed, but he was stopped.

"Keith!" Lance wrapped his leg around Keith's, essentially locking him in his position.

"Let me go! I have to get ready!" Keith wiggled around trying to make Lance let go. It was an amusing sight, Lance still trying to hold onto Keith and him trying to leave. Eventually Lance gave up and let go.

"Fine. But when you get back I get more cuddles." Lance said snuggling into the blanket instead of Keith's neck.

Keith chuckled, "don't count on it." He collected his red and white suit and entered the bathroom.

What is with Lance? Why does he want to cuddle me? Maybe he's just half asleep and going to deny it ever happened later. Hopefully. I can't deal with him after yesterday. He's acting like that kiss never happened! Is that better? I don't know!

Keith undressed and immediately stepped into the shower and turned on the water. He liked his showers steaming hot, and he basked under the burning warmth he hadn't felt for a couple days.

After taking probably too long in the shower, Keith stepped out and dried off with one of the pure white towels hung beside the toilet. He quickly got into his suit and left the bathroom.

Keith went into the kitchen and searched through the now filled fridge for an easy breakfast. He pulled out a box of pop tarts.

"Why are these in the fridge?" He asked the empty room. He opened up the box and pulled out a pack. He checked his phone and grabbed his bag to leave as soon as he could, so as to not be late for his class.

"Bye!" He yelled before he left.

Lance's POV—

Lance heard Keith shout a "bye" before the door closed. He knew he had to be up sooner or later so he sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes. Man, Keith's hair is so soft. It smells so cozy and refreshing, and his skin is super smooth. He's like the ultimate snuggle buddy.

"I wish he liked me." Lance blurted out. He put his hand over his mouth even though no one heard him. Like me? Keith? What am I saying. I can't be his type, and he's already seen how I kiss, so he probably doesn't like me. Probably.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone buzzed, indicating a text.

PHLAM (Group chat)~ Pidge, Hunk, Lance, Allura, Matt

Pidge- Hey, I was talking with Shiro and he said he's having a dorm party Friday night. Anyone wanna come with me?

Hunk- will there be any drinking? I'm not into getting drunk, I'm not old enough yet

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