Chapter 16~ Intimate

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A/N: FLUFF! I feel the need to warn? Welp, enjoy!

Keith's POV—

Keith stepped out of his final class for the day and sighed of relief. Finally I can relax.

Ughhhh I have to go back to Lance!

I should be happy...

But he's too much sometimes.

And I get flustered way too easily.

Keith found himself walking down the stairs already, unable to get his mind off of Lance.

But his eyes... damn, they're beautiful! It's cheesy, but they're like oceans inside. His tanned cheekbones, lightly dusted with freckles... the way his hair falls about his forehead...

I knew all this already, didn't I.

I guess finally allowing myself to love him is... flooding my mind with the thoughts I held back.

Not a bad thing, especially because it's Lance I'm thinking about.

His aura never ceases to amaze me.

As Keith stepped through the door to his dorm, he saw the top of Lance's head on the couch. It was leaned against the back cushions and he seemed to be...


Keith felt his insides flutter at the sight of him. He couldn't really describe why, but being allowed to love him, not being held back, felt so... freeing. He was able to admire his roommate, and see his true beauty. For the first time in months, Keith felt genuinely happy.

That's what had him smiling like an idiot, standing in front of the door, staring at Lance.

He slid off his bag and went to change into his comfortable black t- shirt and a pair of grey jogging pants. He peeked into the living room, hoping Lance was still asleep, and he was. His light snores made Keith blush. This guys likes me. Man, am I lucky or what?

Keith tip toed over to the couch, and slid next to Lance, snuggling into his side. He was almost as tired as Lance was, he was ready to fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes, but Lance shifted.

"Mnnn..." he mumbled, pulling his head off the back of the couch and turning his tired gaze down to the boy by his side.

"Sorry," Keith whispered, starting to pull away. "I just got back... I was gonna relax here..."

"No worries," Lance smiled lazily, his eyes only half open. He wrapped an arm around Keith and pulled him into his chest. "Babe~"

Keith blushed and made a flustered noise.

"Is that a problem?" Lance asked, still speaking as if he was teasing him.

"N-no..." he mumbled, shoving his red face into the soft fabric of Lance's shirt. He didn't necessarily want to admit it, but in a relationship, Keith loved intimacy. He didn't need gifts, or giant declarations of love or adoration. All he needed was some sit- down nights to snuggle and, though it's sappy, kiss and share time with his significant other. With that, he was satisfied.

"Good," Lance chuckled breathily, and Keith could feel every movement, every heartbeat in his chest. "I like it."

Keith was flustered all over, feeling Lance's warm breath tickle the side of his neck. The whole situation was surreal. Keith still couldn't get a grasp on the fact Lance was in love with him.

Keith shivered as Lance pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. All the lights were off, with an exception of a lamp in the corner of the room, which added to the ambiance. They were close, intimate, breathing with each other, hearts beating together. He was, despite being flustered, totally into it.

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