Chapter 15~ Confession...

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A/N: This chapter contains fluff. Yay?! :)

Lance's POV—

"That... that you..." his voice trailed off. Finally he took a sharp breath of courage. "That you love me!"

Lance froze. I did mean it. Can I tell him that? I probably should... it might get too complicated otherwise.

"I... I guess... I did..." he said quietly.

"Really...? Like, no joking around?"

"I don't know! I just... figured you wouldn't remember it..."

"Hmm." Keith paused. "Well, I.. I meant what I said too."

"Huh?" Lance shot a confused glance at his roommate's red face, forcing himself to not believe him.

"I meant what I said... I said that I love you, remember?"

"I... I do..."

They sat in silence for a few moments, contemplating whether saying that was a good idea or not.

"Well..." Lance broke the silence. "What does that mean-"

Before Lance could finish, Keith pulled his face towards him and kissed him, squinting his eyes shut.

"Mnn...!" Lance stared wide eyed at Keith, but seeing him so flustered made him blush and stop resisting. Damn he's cute.

Keith bit Lance's lip softly and slid his hands behind Lance's head.

"Lance," Keith whispered as he pulled away. He blushed, pressing their foreheads together. "I... I love you, okay?"

Lance chuckled. "Now you do. What happened to being all flustered and annoyed over my flirty remarks and such?"

"Ugh. Give it up." He said through a chuckle. "If you don't love me, that's fine. I just wanted a last kiss before our friendship is ruined."

"Who says it'll be our last?" Lance teased, turning Keith's face towards his.

Keith's POV—

Keith blushed hard at that and he avoided Lance's gaze. His blue eyes seemed to stare into his soul.

"Damn you. Do you love me or not?" He asked, hiding his squealing insides.

"I already told you I meant it when I said I love you. That means yes." Lance smirked and made Keith face him again.

"That's good. For a moment there I was ready to give up on you." Keith smiled back and kissed Lance's shocked face so he couldn't respond.

When they pulled out, Lance gasped. "You better not give up on me! This time I'm getting feelings back, and I want it to last, dammit!"

Keith chuckled and slid his fingers into Lance's. He blushed a little at the show of affection, but hoped Lance wouldn't mind.

"Whaddaya say we head down to the caf and tell everyone?" Lance suggested, squeezing Keith's small hand in his.

"Later. I want to eat the eggs you made first." Keith smiled and dug in.

"Alright, lunchtime maybe?" He pulled his hand away from Keith's and started eating his own eggs too.

"Maybe... could we keep it a secret till then? Keep it from the people we know in our classes?"

Lance smirked at the opportunity. "Deal. How shall we promise?"

Keith rolled his eyes, knowing where Lance was taking it. "A kiss?"

"Sure thing." He waited for them both to finish chewing and went in for a kiss.

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