Chapter 13~ Flirty

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A/N: there's alcohol influence in this chapter, so if that's an issue, maybe skip this one... there's also some fluff and a mention of smut, so beware! But that's partially why you all might be here, so I guess... enjoy! :)

"Spiked!" They yelled. "It's the punch!"

Keith's POV—

Gasps came from around the crowd as the music still boomed loud over their hushed voices.

Lance cursed under his breath. "Is that why it tastes so... like that?"

Keith broke into a nervous sweat. The punch was spiked? Like with alcohol? This can't end well...

"Should we end the game here then?" Shay asked the group. She got various nods.

Shiro started to usher people out of his dorm as the music's volume lowered. Adam walked over to them with a stressed face.

"Some people have no respect for having good fun," he started. "We have to tell everyone to go back to their dorms and notify the administrators. They'll hopefully let us off with a warning if they know it wasn't either of us who put it in the punch, but we might have an issue being we're the hosts providing alcohol to minors." He sighed.

Keith's heartbeat quickened and his face felt hot. Alcohol. I drank two cups of punch with alcohol in it?! I've never drank before! This is gonna be a nightmare!

He felt his eyelids growing heavier as Adam walked over to Shiro and helped get the guests back to their dorms.

Lance looked over at the rest of the group. "Well, I better head back with this guy," Lance patted Keith's back which was facing them all. "He downed two cups way too fast for someone his size. See y'all tomorrow."

He waved goodbye as he practically pushed Keith out the door. "You alright?"

Keith's mind was going fuzzy. Dammit. I knew this was a bad idea. This was supposed to be a fun time to 'let loose'. Maybe a bit too much...

"Keith?" Lance stopped walking, making Keith stop too. He lifted his face up and saw how droopy his eyelids were and how his face was flushed a deep shade of red.

"Why did we have to d-do this, Lance...? I don't wanna..."

"I know, but there's no going back anymore. We just have to deal with the consequences and remember not to go to parties like this again. Or refrain from drinking the punch, at least." Keith marvelled at how mature Lance sounded. His face looked solemn and he wasn't smiling like usual. He looked like... he cared.

"I'm sorr~ry." Keith slurred as they began walking again. His stomach churned as they headed for their dorm. Side affects I'm pretty sure. I do. Not. Want to be sick. I will. Not. Be sick. I better. Not. Be sick.

Lance's POV—

As they neared dorm 409, Lance stepped in front of Keith to open the door for them. As it unlocked, they entered the dimly lit room and went to Keith's bedroom.

"You okay to be in here?" Lance asked, not knowing what kind of person Keith was when or if he was drunk. "You drank a little fast for someone your size, so you might get... strange."

"Mnnn," Keith mumbled as he sat on his bed. His body wanted to move, but he was clearly forcing himself under the covers to stay out of the way. His vision started to blur and he lost any clear thinking he may have had before; Lance could tell by the way his eyes almost glazed over.

"Alright. Call me if you need me then." Lance said skeptically before turning to leave the room.

"Wait~" Keith said, obviously now clouded by the alcohol taking affect.

Lance gulped and faced his roommate. He was feeling a little tipsy himself, but nowhere near the level Keith was at. He knew Keith was about to say something stupid, he was under the influence after all.

"I love you~" he giggled a little and hid under his blankets.

Lance just gaped at Keith as he heard muffled giggles from under the blankets. Damn that's cute.

"Uhh..." he won't remember anything I say... will he? Lance smirked at the opportunity. "I love you too~" He could feel himself slipping under the influence by the second.

Keith peeked out, trying to stifle his laughter. "Really?~"

Lance chuckled. "Sure."

"Prove it~" Keith said, giggling a little more.

They stared at each other for a moment that seemed to last hours. Lance stared wide eyed as Keith smiled lopsidedly. Alright, so Keith is a flirty, giggly mess when he's drunk. Good to know.

"Please?" Keith pushed out his bottom lip in a pout. "It can be a secret~"

Screw it. He won't remember anything anyways. Lance walked over to Keith and cupped his face in his hands. Keith smiled even more and he pulled Lance's face in for a kiss before the other could take action.

It was essentially another heated kiss that both half- drunk roommates got way too into, but Lance enjoyed it. Maybe a little too much, but it warmed him that someone actually wanted to kiss him. Usually it was the other way around.

He fixed his posture and Keith pressed further towards him, attempting to pull him over top of himself. Lance was startled at first, but as he lost decision making rationalities more and more, he didn't hesitate to do it on his own.

"Lance~" Keith said into the kiss as Lance made his way on top of the bed and beside him. Keith tugged at a button on the red and blue plaid shirt playfully. He undid it and slid his cold fingers over Lance's collarbone, sending chills down his spine.

"Keith, are you sure?" Lance was trying to fight the drunkenness that was clouding his mind as he realized what Keith was trying to start.

"Mhmm~" he smirked and pulled Lance into a kiss again. This time he put his hands underneath the untucked shirt and traced his hands over Lance's torso.

"Keith," Lance shuddered as his shirt was being undone. "Really..." okay, so maybe he's a... sex- craving flirt that giggles too much.

"Stop hesitating!" Keith said as he pulled Lance's shirt off him. He felt over Lance's abs and giggled. "It'll be fun~"

Lance sighed and gave up. His mind was clouded and he couldn't resist his own drunken self giving into Keith's desires.

Let's just say they had an... eventful night together.

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