Chapter 14~ Aftermath

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Keith's POV—

Keith awoke slowly, feeling a strange sensation he hadn't felt before. It was a combination of pain, queasiness and almost... relaxation.

His eyes widened as a wave of nausea hit him, and he got up quickly and rushed to the bathroom. Not a moment too soon, he was vomiting into the toilet uncontrollably, feeling as if it would never stop.

He held tightly around his stomach as the nausea subsided slightly. His head was throbbing and he felt sore almost all over. What happened?

Again he vomited and his throat burned with a sour taste. He sat back slowly after flushing the toilet and the bathroom door slid open. Lance stepped in, alarmed by the sight before him.

"Are you okay?!" He asked, frantically assessing the situation.

"I'm-" he cut himself off as he jolted towards the toilet once again, unable to control his insides. Never mind. I guess I'm not really okay.

"Keith..." Lance said as he knelt beside him. He rubbed his back as he vomited more. He tried to be supportive, but Keith could tell he clearly didn't want to be there.

After a while of emptying his stomach's contents, Keith was able to sit back for a while. He leaned against the wall beside Lance and closed his eyes in discomfort. He didn't even take time to be flustered at the fact Lance was shirtless beside him.

"What's wrong? Other than, you know, throwing up." Lance asked.

Keith groaned. "My head is pounding... my whole body hurts, honestly."

"Mine too..." Lance said skeptically. He stood up and stretched his back. "I'll grab the Advil I guess."

I can't remember anything past walking into my bedroom... I was sleeping next to Lance... that can't be good... but I'm in pyjamas at least.

Lance stepped back in and filled up the cup by the sink with water. He handed it and a pill to Keith on the floor.

"Thanks, but I don't wanna take anything until I'm sure I won't throw up anymore." He chuckled, stopping almost immediately from his headache.

Lance pulled the cup towards himself instead to take an Advil himself. He chugged back the whole cup and sat beside Keith again.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Keith asked, still contemplating why he was sore and sleeping next to Lance.

Lance thought for a moment. "Not really... but there was some rather... suggestive movements from what I can remember..." he was hesitant to say it, and Keith stiffened.

"How... suggestive?" He mumbled.

"Umm... you kinda undid my shirt and... said 'it'll be fun'... that's the only thing really standing out enough to remember." Lance played with his thumbs nervously, almost as if keeping something to himself.



Keith side eyed him with an eyebrow raised in suspicion, but he brushed it off.

"You're apparently really giggly and flirty when you're drunk, by the way." Lance added.

Keith tried to remember their apparently steamy exchange from the previous night, prying anything he could from his clouded memories.

Keith took in a sharp breath.

"Oh no." He said.


"No wonder I'm sore."


"Mnnn... I dunno, Lance... I think it might've been a bit more than just taking off your shirt..." Keith said as he tried harder to pry at his memories.

"Please don't tell me you're implying what I think you're implying." Lance put his face into his palms.

"I hope not..." Keith muttered as he attempted to stand. He almost fell over, but leaned against various walls and door frames to make it back to his room. He was overly flustered on the inside, but he did a good job hiding it from Lance.

Once he was alone, he wanted to start hyperventilating, but he knew that wasn't the right option. He just sat against his bed on the floor and leaned his head back. His headache was still pounding, his stomach still churning, but he tried to recollect anything he could to avoid any unnecessary tension. His memory was sparse, but he could remember bits and pieces of his night with Lance.

All he knew was it wasn't good.

Lance's POV—

Keith stumbled out of the bathroom leaving him by himself, flustered as all hell.

"We couldn't have... right?" Lance said through a nervous chuckle. He leaned his head against the bathroom wall and sighed.

What if we did... that? What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to look at him the same?

He said he loved me.

Did he mean it?

Do I want him to have meant it?

Lance stood up slowly and viewed his blushing face that stared back at him through the mirror. He sighed and tilted his eyebrows into a saddened expression. He turned away from his reflection and silently strode into the kitchen in hopes to take his mind off things and make breakfast.

His stomach too was a bit unsettled, but he knew someone had to be the stronger person in all this, right?

As he pulled out some eggs from the fridge, his mind wandered.

I mean, if I really like him like I think I do, shouldn't I tell him? Maybe I should just blurt it out and hope he doesn't hate me. The worst that can happen is... he hates me and never talks to me again? He's my roommate, so that isn't really an option... maybe it'll just be really awkward. Could he maybe like me back? I mean, he gets flustered and stuff whenever I flirt with him... no, that's because it's strange. It's because he's not used to it, right? He can't actually be nervous about it...

Lance was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard rushed footsteps in the hall and the bathroom door slam closed.

I wish he wasn't having such a rough time. He's sick all because of the stupid party I persuaded him to go to.

No, he wanted to go... I think. That's what he said...

Not with me, obviously. I was gonna spend the whole time flirting with girls! I guess I can't use that never have I ever excuse anymore... I left the party without a date.

Damn it! That was my best option.

Before he realized it, he had already finished cooking scrambled eggs and was startled at how he hadn't noticed they were done.

He hastily put the eggs onto two plates and set one aside for when Keith got out of the bathroom. He'll want something eventually. I just hope he doesn't hate it.

As Lance poked at his eggs with his head resting on his hand, he heard the sink in the bathroom flow for a minute. Soon enough, Keith groggily sat beside him.

"Hey." Keith started. "I'm... sorry about last night... I guess I came on a little strong, huh."

Lance blushed unintentionally. "I- it's fine... you were drunk, that's all."

Keith sighed. "I guess."

The two sat silently as they stared at their plates in thought.

"Did you mean what you said...?" Keith mumbled, almost incoherently.

"Huh?" Lance tried to hide that he was flustered. He said a lot of things last night.

"That... that you..." his voice trailed off. Finally he took a sharp breath of courage. "That you love me!"

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