Chapter 3~ Blankets

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Keith's POV—

When the movie ended, Lance was half asleep, his head leaning back off his neck.

"Wanna watch another one, or go to sleep?" Keith asked, Lance jolting at the sound of his voice.

"Oh, uh..." he pulled out his phone, "I mean, it's only 8:45, so we've got time for another. Plus I don't know what else I'd do anyways."

Keith nodded and got up to put another one of his movies on. All the lights were off and there was no light coming from the window either, so he fumbled around with the cases in the dark. Once he got one in he took his place back on the couch and shivered.

It's colder than I thought it would be, he began in his head, you'd think they'd turn up the heat overall if there isn't any personal thermostats- especially because we're in space far away from the sun.

He pulled his knees up to his chest in an attempt to warm himself up. He wrapped his arms around them and unintentionally shivered again.

Lance stood up suddenly and went into his bedroom without a word. He hates the movie that much already? It barely even started! He tucked his head into the top of his knees and continued to watch the movie without Lance.

Keith jumped when he heard a whoosh of air behind him and then a warm, soft feeling envelope his entire body. Unknowing what it was, he looked up and saw Lance smiling down at him.

"You looked cold, so I got my blanket."

"Oh, uh... thanks." He snuggled into the fluffy edges near his face and Lance sat back down beside him. Keith took a deep breath in, breathing in the aroma of the cozy comforter. It smelled of lemons and other citrus fruits, most likely the laundry detergent used on it at Lance's house. I wish I got detergent that smelled like this.

As the movie went on, the air only became became colder. Keith pulled the blanket over his head like a hood, attempting to warm his face. He turned slightly to see Lance cuddling into his own coat for warmth.

Keith slowly opened up his blanket and wrapped it around Lance's shoulder, opposite him. Lance turned to him with a face he'll never forget, a face of recognition, unexpectedness and gratitude.

He slid closer to Keith's side so the blanket would fit over the two properly. Keith's heart was racing. Why? I don't like him, I just met him! As Lance settled beside him, he wrapped an arm around his roommate and rested the corner of the blanket under his chin. Keith could feel his body heat as it pressed against him and he took a deep breath in and out to compose himself.

Keith stared at Lance as they simply sat wrapped up with each other watching a movie. He couldn't describe it, watching the light from the screen dance around Lance's eyes. Watching the boy breathe in pattern and react to the movie. It was so... intriguing. Mesmerizing, even. Lance's hair was ruffled from the blanket and his long eyelashes fluttered when he got tired.

Keith felt heat spread across his face when Lance looked over at him. "Are you checking me out?" He snickered, but not in a way to make Keith feel bad about it, if that even exists.

"Umm..." he looked away and felt his face get hotter. "Sorry...?"

"Do you like my eyes?"

"...I guess..."


"Umm," Keith covered his face with his hands. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Lance chuckled, "it's not bad if you like someone's eyes. I like yours. They're a very pretty shade of indigo."

Indigo. No one has ever called my eyes indigo, never mind pretty. He likes my eyes? Keith's heart felt as if it skipped a beat.

"You... think my eyes are pretty...?" Keith said hesitantly.

"Yeah, I've never seen someone with such a cool colour before."

"No one's ever called them pretty... or even noticed they aren't just blue..." his voice trailed off and he wondered if he should continue, despite being embarrassed. "Th- thanks..." his face flushed with heat again as he buried it into his knees. Thank goodness it's dark.

Lance chuckled again, leaning his face closer. "Are you flustered now? Enjoying my compliments?" He felt Keith tense up so he rubbed his shoulder opposite him and sighed. "Im just teasing, sorry. You do seem like your blushing, though."

Again Keith tensed up, "um, I'm just not used to this kind of situation..." his breathing was unsteady. "I don't often run into people who actually care enough about me to know my eye colour and things like that, so..."

"Well, there's gotta be a few, right? Your parents, best friends, y'know?"

Keith looked away, "I don't have parents."

"Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a bad topic-"

"It's... fine." he sighed. "It's just that what I said was true. Besides Shiro and Adam, no one even talks to me. I'm surprised you wanted to stay and watch movies with me. I usually give off a kind of... 'emo', solo vibe."

"Oh, you did, but once you get past the feelings from the nosebleed incident, you're a nice guy. You've got your insecurities too, which makes me even more drawn to you because you're human. You try to cover it up, yeah, but I can tell it's there. Like, I feel bad for dragging you into the middle of the caf, because now I have a feeling you don't like crowds. And you didn't ask for a blanket even though you had no coat in a cold room, so I got it for you. I knew you didn't want to ask me for it, so I did it before you were strained so much you needed to get it yourself or something. Also showing that I care in those moments is important. If we're going to live together for possibly over a year, I want to have a good relationship."

"But why?"


"Why care about it so much? Without even knowing the future? Why care... about me?" Keith's voice trailed off as he realized he was making it seem like he was desperate, or fishing for compliments.

"Well, I know others, but, I mean, you're cool. You seemed hard on the outside but I knew you weren't all bad. I want to get to know you. Plus, you're honestly kinda hot." Lance mumbled the last part under his breath.

"Oh man," Keith said, honestly bewildered. "That's a lot."

"I'm just speaking the truth, man."

Lance. Is. So. Perfect. We just met, too, what the hell?

Keith's heart was pounding so hard and so fast Lance noticed. "You okay? Your pulse is going super fast."

He grabbed the back of his neck where Lance's arm was resting, "you can feel that?!" He whisper- yelled in a nervous tone.

Lance laughed, "don't sweat it. Give me your hand."


"C' mon."

Keith lifted up his hand and Lance pulled it up to his neck. He felt the strong, rapid beating of Lance's heart.

"Mine is beating fast too," he seemed to laugh after everything he said, a laugh that touched Keith's soul every time. "Maybe it's the amount of space we have between us. Or the fact that you never know when or if a bisexual man is going to hit on you in such close proximity." He looked away, "sorry if that makes this strange, but I thought I should let you know at least."

"It's totally fine, actually," Keith was squealing inside, but he tried to hide the fact he was excited to have a chance. "Heh, I'm actually gay..."


They laughed for a bit and ended up tuning back into the movie without anymore conversation. It quieted down towards the end, and Lance felt Keith's head fall towards him. He looked over ever so cautiously and saw that Keith had fallen asleep, now resting against his chest and finally breathing steadily again. Lance leaned backwards giving more resting space for Keith and ended up falling asleep against the back of the couch too.

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